Changing Values and Customer Needs: Challenges for the Management of Quality in Student Canteens The management of quality in student restoration today must address increased customer expectations. Students are more and more conscious of their own health and the environment; these are new challenges for student canteens. The example of Freiburg shows, how customer information, fair trade, ecologically grown foods and social responsibility can be put to work.
In Germany, 2 million students are enrolled in 400 higher education institutions. The Studentenwerke provide services to all students. Studentenwerke in Germany The Studentenwerke take care of social welfare and support of students. In particular they provide: Student restauration Student housing Administration of financial scholarships and loans Cultural support
Changing Social Values – Food in a changing society Since 2000, the annual turnover of ecologically grown food in Germany has risen from 2.1 billion Euro to 5.9 billion Euro. Quelle: statistica
Consumers pay more and more attention to the ways and means of production of what they eat. This is because the way people choose their food and nourish themselves is closely linked with growing health concerns. Sensitivity for social, ecological and ethical issues is increasing continuously. All this has changed buyers’ attitudes and morals, with direct effects on the development of food markets.
The Studentenwerk Freiburg is running a total of 8 large student restaurants – we call them Mensa – within the region. In these restaurants, approx. 1.6 million dishes are produced every year. This is not only a big challenge for logistics, but also for the social responsibility towards consumers. Therefore, the Studentenwerk Freiburg has decided to contribute to a healthy diet of students by means of a sustainable management of purchase. Cost-effective supplies to students is the priority. The Studentenwerk is working in the dichotomy of ecology and economy, and aims to realize both objectives.
Ecologically grown and fair trade coffee All restaurants and cafeterias of the Studentenwerk use fair- trade coffee; this is also the case in Studentenwerk events. Every year, the Studentenwerk consumes 5.5 tons of coffee.
Eco-certificate under EU norm „Ecological“ does not necessarily mean „expensive“ Every day, we offer our students a complete menue from ecologically grown foods in our largest Mensa. The price for this meal is not higher than for other food in the freeflow-area.
Fish with MSC-certificate The MSC certification program provides the possibility to verify environment friendly behaviour by an independent institution. At the same time, the certificate assures consumers that the fish that has been bought comes from an exemplary and responsibly managed source. Since September 2010, the Studentenwerk Freiburg has been awarded an MSC certificate, and thus guarantees that 2.5 tons of fish per year come from sustainable fisheries.
Eggs from ground and free-range production 90’000 eggs are boiled, fried, or scrambled by the Studentenwerk per year. On this scale, we think it is obvious to ban all eggs from batteries from our kitchens.
Faire price of milk „What is the value of our milk?“ Since long, farmers have not been able to produce milk for the price which is being paid. In 2009, the Studentenwerk Freiburg has voluntarily declared to pay 12 cents more per liter to regional creameries for each of the 62’000 liters of milk that we buy annually. This voluntary price hike is a direct support for milk farmers.
Regional Purchase 780 ’ 000 salads, 75 tons of potatoes, 70 tons of pasta and 15 ’ 000 liters salad oil Are purchased annually from regional production. This is good for the environment because transportation is shorter, and also the taste is better.
By using a sensitive and most of all long-term management of purchase in the Studentenwerk Freiburg, we have succeeded to make an important contribution to a healthy diet of students, and to find a responsible way of dealing with the subject of our food.