All countries which are Members of all the Untied Nations may become members of WHO by accepting its Constitution. Other countries may be admitted as members when their application has been approved by a simple majority vote of the World Health Assembly. Members of WHO are grouped according to regional distribution.
The relationship between the sources of funding has changed over the past few years. The level of the regular budget has increased at a much slower rate than that of voluntary contributions. Voluntary contributions worked on projects for represent more than 70% of the total financial resources of the Organization. › US$ 915 million assessed contributions and miscellaneous income (the regular budget) of which the assessed contributions by Member States totals to US$ 893 million › US$ 2.4 billion voluntary contributions ( from countries, specialized agencies and other partners) WHO resources SOURCES OF FUNDS
In the WHO sources of funding for the core budget of Area of Emergencies and Crises for the period are: 8% assessed contributions from Member States (approximately USD 17 million); 92% voluntary contributions (approximately USD 201 million). The Voluntary contributions come from different sources: Bilateral contributions from Member States earmarked for specific emergencies; Unearmarked bilateral contributions from Member States; Allocations from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund; Allocations from trust funds and humanitarian pooled funds; Funds from foundations and health partners.
Career Development Fellowships The TDR Career Development Fellowship started its fourth round of applications from middle and low income country had researchers to be placed in with leading product development institutions. Africa Climate change impact on vector-borne diseases This research is made to understand the problems of climate change in a sub-Saharan Africa on people’s reaction to diseases carried by mosquitoes, flies and snails, such as malaria, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis. With the support from the International Development Research Center (IDRC), Canada, $6.8 million will be spent to identify those who are the most needed to social, environmental and climate change, and for development in tools and strategies for adaptation to climate change in Africa.
Continuous improvement of oral health in the 21st century The objectives of the WHO Global Oral Health Programme (ORH), is one of the technical programmes within the Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion (CHP), it has been recognized to the new strategy of disease prevention and promotion of health.
Haemovigilance is a process of a data collection of transfusion-related events and reactions in order to study their causes and outcomes, and to prevent their occurrence or recurrence. It can covers all activities in the blood chain, vein-to-vein, from donor to recipient to identify and help adverse reactions and unwanted events. It can include the identification, reporting, investigation and analysis of adverse reactions and events in recipients and blood donors as well as incidents in manufacturing processes and, eventually errors and “near-misses”.
"Oral Health." World Health Organization. WHO, n.d. Web. 25 Feb 2013 ("World Health Organization") Research Activities." For Research on Disease of Poverty. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb ("For Research on Disease of Poverty") "Sources of Funds." World Health Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb ("World Health Organization ") “Haemovigilance." World Health Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb ("World Health Organization ") "Countries." World Health Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb ("World Health Organization ")