SBJSA Organization Committee Structure Plan
Chart Legend
The Executive Committee
SBJSA President Lead the entire SBJSA organization and ensure its annual operational success. Establish the agenda and chair the monthly Board of Directors meetings. Represent SBJSA and interface with other sailing clubs/associations, civic groups, high schools, etc. to promote the organization and benchmark with others. Chair special non-recurring project team(s) or committees not assigned to other Officers or Directors (ie- regattas, waterfront development, etc). Engage and interface with our legal counsel as needed.
Vice President Fill in for the President as needed. Chair the Long Range Planning Committee, responsible for the 7 yr long range vision for SBJSA and an overall plan (with rough $$ estimates) to achieve that vision. Assist the Secretary in submission of the annual Health Dept. permit application. Lead specific non-recurring team(s), tasks or projects assigned by the President.
Secretary Create and distribute notes of all Board meetings, special meetings, etc. Correspond with all Board members to confirm meeting dates, action items, agenda, etc. Maintain the official archive of all meeting minutes and important correspondence. Write and submit the annual Health Dept permit application for camp operation. Act as camp registrar – receive and track all tuition payments in Quickbooks and deliver checks to the Treasurer for depositing.
Treasurer Provide monthly financial reports (YTD actuals & balance sheet). Interface with Paychex for payroll processing (labor hrs reporting, check disbursement, payroll tax obligations, etc). Pay all bills (including taxes) in timely fashion and make all bank deposits. Log all donations received by cash/check/credit card/materials-in-kind and provide data updates to Director of Giving for thank-yous. Interface with outside accounting firm and provide all necessary information for formal annual financial report, including asset updates and income tax obligations. Prepare annual operating budget proposal. Maintain financial records for the last 7 years
Director of Giving Execute our annual appeal, including all outward communication. Effectively utilize Donor Perfect software and maintain database of givers. Interface with Treasurer to ensure that all donations are acknowledged and thankyous to givers are sent. Write & submit funding grants (Stuart Foundation, Bullis Foundation, Davenport-Hatch Foundation, etc). Interface with United Way to ensure continued relationship and giving pathway.
Director of Marketing Coordinate and submit all print media and website advertising. Maintain up-to-date information on the SBJSA website; pull together content from other officers and directors and interface with SBJSA webmaster. Coordinate all social media communication. Coordinate, collect and archive photographic and written records of SBJSA camp history.
Fund Raising Director a. Organize major annual fundraising events: BBQ Golf Tournament b. Establish and coordinate chairs for each event & ensure the following deliverables: budget. summary of actual costs & invoices for Treasurer (common format). Deliver all proceeds to the treasurer for depositing. advance orders/deposits for tents, food, beverages, raffle prizes, etc, as needed. volunteer staffing to run events, including setup, ticket sales and cleanup. all other details associated with a successful and profitable event.
Director of Curriculum Develop, maintain and improve our overall SBJSA camp educational program, including content and delivery. Benchmark with other area junior sailing programs and US Sailing to refine our programs. Work with staff to document detailed course content for LTS, LTR and swimming. Interface with camp director to ensure effective curriculum delivery during camp. Conduct annual de-brief with staff to identify curriculum improvement opportunities.
Director of Staffing Create and utilize job postings and interview process for hiring, including background checks. Correspond with staff to determine those returning and positions to fill, etc. Utilize pay table to establish annual individual pay rates. Provide and document annual job evaluations for each staff member. Ensure all staff members have necessary Red Cross certifications. Regularly interface with Camp Director during camp season to ensure staffing level effectiveness.
Director of Fleet Maintain currency of all boat and trailer DMV registrations. Coordinate volunteer in-house, as well as contracted local marina yards, for all boat and engine maintenance, including winterization as needed. Purchase parts and maintain a spare parts system for in-house repairs. Maintain all boat storage racks. Investigate, coordinate and implement new boat purchases, as well as other needed equipment (outboard motors, masts, etc), with approval from the Board of Directors. Create and maintain in-house inventory of boat spare parts.
Director of Racing Program Work with Head of Race (staff) to ensure delivery of our racing program. Coordinate racing events schedule with other area sailing programs. Schedule travel logistics for racing events, including volunteer parent drivers, equipment needed, trailer prep and loading/unloading, accommodations as necessary, etc. Provide annual summary of travel expenses, including staff labor compensation, to Treasurer. Benchmark with other area racing program directors to enable an effective SBJSA program.
Director of Facilities and Grounds Ensure maintenance and operation of facilities, including cleaning supplies purchase, painting as needed, repairs, upgrades, utility startup and winterization, etc. Coordinate maintenance of grounds and parking lots (lawn mowing, grass-seeding, weeding, asphalt sealing, signage, etc). Interface with Camp Director as needed. Maintain docks and mooring facilities/equipment. Interface with insurance agent to ensure currency and proper scope of our policy (liability and physical coverage). Interface with SBYC to maintain land and facility use agreements.
Long Range Planning
Property Development Committee
The Future