Cyberbullying Cyberbullying can get you into serious trouble. If you are under 18 you would get told off by the police, but if you are 18 or over you can get a fine and go to prison. If you see anyone cyberbullying tell a trusted adult straight away. Don’t be afraid (even if your friend is the one bullying). I bet you all know that cyberbullying is nasty and threats can be part of it, so don’t threaten people.
If you are the person who is being cyberbullied always get the police involved and get in contact with these websites, CEOP- child exploitation online protection ( ), NSPCC- national society prevention of cruelty to children ( ),or go online to ‘Thinkuknow’ website. Don’t ever keep it quiet. Always tell someone because it can ruin peoples lives.
Social Media Don’t fake your age on social media because they have age limits for a reason. Don’t use fake pictures for fake accounts, although you are anonymous on the website you can still be tracked down, you have left a digital footprint. This could also effect you getting a job.
Click Clever Zip it Block it Flag it You must not tell As soon as someone You must report anyone your details sends a mean message straight away to and don’t be mean back. Block them straight away. the police or to the website.