Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Transferable Indigenous Knowledge (TIK): Education Process and Policy Rajib Shaw E-mail:


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Presentation transcript:

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Transferable Indigenous Knowledge (TIK): Education Process and Policy Rajib Shaw Web:

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Defining TIK Indigenous knowledge is the knowledge that people in a given community have developed over time, and continue to develop. It is based on experience, often tested over centuries of use, adapted to local culture and environment, dynamic and changing. Source: IIRR, Philippines, 1996: Recording and using indigenous knowledge: A manual. Transferable indigenous knowledge is the traditional art of disaster reduction that is indigenous to specific region (s) but having potential to be applied to other regions and having time-tested reliability Idea Workshop 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Criteria for TIK Originated within communities, based on local needs, and specific to culture and context (environment and economy) Provides core knowledge with flexibility for local adaptation for implementation Uses local knowledge and skills, and materials based on local ecology Has been proven to be time tested and useful in disasters Is applied or applicable in other communities or generations Idea Workshop 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Knowledge/Technology Type and its Application Flood Prevention Knowledge/Technology Erosion Control Knowledge/Technology Damage Reduction Knowledge/Technology Takeuchi and Shaw 2007 Example from Japan

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Waju (Inside Ring) =Community Protected by Ring Dike Distribution of Waju in Noubi plains (Ando,1952) Photo by Iwanami Co.,Ltd.(1956) Takeuchi and Shaw 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Hijiri-Ushi (Grand OX) at Nagara river By Google Takeuchi and Shaw 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Photo by NIED-KU(2007) Hijiri-Ushi (Grand OX) at Nagara river Takeuchi and Shaw 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Photo by NIED-KU(2007) 7m 4.5m 7m 4m Photo by NIED-KU(2007) Hijiri-Ushi (Grand OX) Takeuchi and Shaw 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Photo by NIED-KU(2007) Mizuya (Flood House) 2m 1.3m Blue line is record of flood disaster in 1896 Takeuchi and Shaw 2007

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Implementation Issues of TIK Action Workshop 2008 Transferability of TIK What to transfer (Principles and Methodology) What to transfer (Principles and Methodology) Who to transfer -Community leaders -External Facilitators Who to transfer -Community leaders -External Facilitators How to transfer -Documentation -On-site visit -DRH database -Workshops -Internal, external facilitation -Link to modern technology How to transfer -Documentation -On-site visit -DRH database -Workshops -Internal, external facilitation -Link to modern technology Whom to transfer (Vulnerable Communities, Policy makers) Whom to transfer (Vulnerable Communities, Policy makers) For Hydro-meteorological disasters, focus on climate change adaptation

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies TIK Classification Five thematic areas –Mountain Ecosystem –Coastal Zone Management –Integrated Water Resource Management Arid land management River basin management –Housing and Shelter Two types of TIK –Based on technology –Based on belief systems Three phases of Disaster Cycle –Pre-disaster –During disaster –Post-disaster Action Workshop 2008 Pre-disaster During-disaster Post-disaster

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies TIK in Education Cross-discipline collaboration –Civil society: Document and analyze –Education and Research Community: Validation and analyze –Policy maker: Policy decision –Regional and International organization: Policy advocacy Steps (not necessarily in the order of appearance) –Education: link to curriculum –Policy: regional, national and local advocacy and decision –Pilot: Implementation and validation Action Workshop 2008

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies IK and DRR Policy Issues Critical Entry Points Priority Thematic areas Climate change and food security Rural development Urban Risk reduction Gender and inclusion Policy Tools Research, documentation Education Advocacy Institutional Framework Action Agenda Establishment of a resource group Documentation and research Education Policy advocacy Enabling environment Change agents Special focus areas