Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Risk Communication and Experiencing Learning for DRR: Initiatives of Kyoto University Yukiko Takeuchi and Rajib Shaw International Environment and Disaster Management
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Risk Communication Framework Local people NGOs Specialists Officers INGOs Researchers Two-way Interactive Information senderInformation receiver Needs and concerns Needs related risk information (Modified form Kikkawa, 1999)
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Professional Knowledge Knowledge level Local people Specialist Holistic learning Necessity of Holistic learning Necessity of Facilitator (Takeuchi, 2006) Trust with Communities Hovland,C. & Weiss,W, 1951 Local Knowledge Local people Specialist
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Study Lecture Study through Lecture Learn Experience Learn through Experience Learn Presentation Learn through Presentation Purpose: general knowledge Understand about general knowledge (Mechanism of disaster, disaster history, past disaster etc.) Tool: Text book, Video, some document. Implementer: School teacher Instructor etc… Purpose: local issue Understand local issue, history and environment. Tool: Town Watching Interview Visit to Museum Disaster drill Implementer: Specialist High experience person Purpose: own issue Understand own issue. Make action plan Tool: Some WS tool Implementer: Student individual
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Understanding about region and environment, land slide and role of forest. Build up network in Community Community School Mountain Watching Understanding about region and environment, Flood disaster and Earthquake disaster. Build up network in Community Community School Town Watching Understanding about region and environment, Tsunami, storm surge and role of forest. Build up network in Community Community School Coastal Watching Understanding of River Basin Framework of Regional Watching
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Understanding of Mountain and plain linkage With Forest Deforested Sponge/ Bucket/ Plastics Sheet/ Plastics Box/ Sprinkling can/ Water
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Understanding of Mountain and plain linkage check sponge check bucket Rain fall again with sheet Rain water
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Understanding of River Meandering and Bending Hose/ banana trees skin/ Bucket or Plastics Box/ Water
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies usual time (one river) meeting points of two rivers the river is meandering Understanding of River Meandering and Bending excessive rainfall (one river)
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies With Mangrove Without Mangrove Demonstration about Tsunami Understanding of Mangrove and Wave
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Without Mangroves With big wave Set the Mangroves With big wave
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies experiencing learning To enhance experiencing learning in DRR, Kyoto University is hosting: Asian University Network of Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM): -Higher Education on Disaster Risk Reduction -Research on different learning tools -Networking and experience sharing
Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
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