Group Outcomes Areas of Concern Possible Solutions
Assessment: The Name of the Game AES Retreat June 18, 2015
Mission Statement Student Support Services (SSS) The purpose of the Student Support Services (SSS) is to increase the number of disadvantaged low-income college students, first- generation college students, and college students with disabilities who successfully complete a program of study at the postsecondary level. The program is currently funded to serve 160 students annually.
TracDat Unit Objective/Outcome Assessment Method(s) Success Criteria Assessment Results Use of Results 1. P articipants served by the SSS project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year. 1a.) Tracking of participant appointments (weekly and monthly) to include advisement and registration via Academic Specialist notes and tracking of date, time, and service provided in an Excel spreadsheet. 1a.) 90% of participants served by the SSS project will attend appointments, to include advisement and registration, with an SSS staff member from Fall 2013-Fall a.) 96% of participants served by the SSS project attended an SSS appointment, including advisement and registration, from Fall 2013-Fall a.) Analyze services provided to better serve students. Analyze reasons for transfer. 1b.) Summer Student Success Day for SSS identified entering freshmen and transfer students. 1b.) At least 50% of SSS recruited freshmen will attend Student Success Day in Summer b.) 43% attended Student Success Day in Summer b.) Determine if students who attended are more successful in their first semester than those who did not attend; enhance recruitment for attendance. 1c.) Grant aid awarded to students with Pell grants in their financial aid package. 1c.) At least 50% of students who are offered Grant Aid will complete the online financial literacy module in order to receive funds in Fall c.) 56% of students offered Grant Aid completed an online financial literacy module in Fall c.) Analyze reasons for not responding to the ability to receive grant funds. Purpose What are you doing? What do you want to happen? What happened? So what?
Application to Now! Purpose To share and gather ideas concerning future plans for our college. What are you doing? Retreat – June 18, 2015 What do you want to happen? people on campus will attend. What happened? __ of people on campus attended. So what? Identification of greatest needs. Follow up on suggestions.
TracDat – Outcomes Mapping
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Surveys Reports