Theme two: Human trafficking Tone Salthe
What is human trafficking? Palermo protocol: Exploitation through –Sexual exploitation –Forced labour or services –Removal of organs –Or other practices similar to slavery or servitude Means (not necessary criteria for children): –Threat, force, abduction or other forms of coercion –Fraud or deception –Abuse of power or a position of vulnerability Porpoise is profit or other benefits
EXPLOITATIONEXPLOITATION Recruitment Transportation Facilitation Violence Threats Deception or abuse of vulnerable situation Human trafficking A B
Human trafficking with children A B Recruitment Transportation Facilitation Violence Threats Deception or abuse of vulneralbe situation EXPLOITATIONEXPLOITATION
EXPLOITATIONEXPLOITATION Recruitment Transportation Facilitation Human smuggling Border Violence Threats Deception or abuse of vulnerable situation
Why focus on human trafficking in the asylum system? Every country obligated Refugees – risk group
My report Focus: The work against human trafficking in the Netherlands with the aim of gaining inspiration, knowledge and new ideas to the work in Norway. Government policy and organization Identification of VOTs in the asylum system Rights and help programs Final remarks and recommendations
What about your country? Human trafficking – international organized crime → Exchange knowledge internationally crucial Human trafficking theme next year too??