Resilient Cities rd Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation Bonn, Germany, May 2012 G4: Urban Risk Forum 1 Gregory James Pillay Manager (Head): Disaster Risk Management Centre City of Cape Town Republic of South Africa
Involvement in Urban Risk Disaster Risk Management Centre of the City of Cape Town Prescribed in National Legislation, Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 Establishment of Municipal Disaster Management Centres Myriad Powers and Duties of Municipal Disaster Management Centres Reduce Disaster Risk / Consequences of Disasters Emergency Preparedness Rapid and Effective Response to disasters.
Disaster Risk Assessment seen relative to DM Continuum Disaster Occurrence Disaster Response Disaster Relief Disaster Rehabilitation Disaster Reconstruction Pre- Warning Disaster Risk Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction Plans Disaster Preparedness Plans Citizen Protection Paradigm Added Paradigm Reactive Pro-Active
Particular Urban Risk for the City of Cape Town Rapid Urbanisation / in-migration to City Increase in informal settlement dwellings / population Demand on provision of basic municipal services, eg. water, electricity, sanitation,, health services, etc. Demand on existing infrastructure, utility services infrastructure, roads, public transport systems, health facilities, schools, public amenities, etc. Informal settlement fires and floods Vegetation / Wild Fires (Summer)
Sustainable Solutions Need for a national urbanisation policy Increase the provision for low cost formal housing Provide in-situ upgrading of informal settlements Intensify public awareness and preparedness of the hazards of fires and floods in informal settlements Transform informal settlements into safe, habitable spaces with collaboration with other role-players, such as Housing Department and other Municipal Line Function Departments. Reconfiguration / re-blocking of informal settlements to provide for quick and easy access and egress for emergency and utility services
Sustainable Solutions Set standards for safe and fire-retardant building materials in informal settlements Ensure the provision of basic Municipal Services to all informal settlements Provide funding for expanding existing Municipal infrastructure commensurate with population expansion in City Provide seasonal contracted aerial ( helicopter) support to Fire Service for assisting with vegetation / wild fires
Topics / Priorities requiring international attention International guideline document to deal with rapid urbanisation in Cities National Urbanisation Policy Monitor influx to cities by maintaining database to assist city planners Cost effective, safe and sustainable low cost housing options Efficient and effective land use management by city planners Enforce building standards and codes that includes retrofitting in line with climatic and seismic conditions. Investment in maintaining of existing infrastructure and expansion thereof, to accommodate influx