Putting It Together Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
AANA Foundation Mission is to advance the science of anesthesia through education and research. Vision is to serve as leading resource for assuring safe anesthesia care through education and research. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Mission and Vision Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Structure and Function
Basics Knowledge of mission, vision and major programs. –Science of anesthesia –Education –Practice/Clinical –Leadership –Healthcare policy Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Fundraising Key part of all self-sufficient programs Explore donor motivation Find out what makes an effective case Learn about various fundraising methods Message is Critical! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Ways to Build a Message Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
What is the Message? Begin with the why: what is our mission? Then state the what: what do we want to achieve? Then state the how: how will this new project meet a need and fulfill mission? Then who: who we are and how well we have been serving our constituencies. Finally, what specific action do you want the reader or listener to take? Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Keys to Success Develop message - Focused, Relevant, Persuasive Market - Creative/compelling - Human interest stories Put a “face” on research and education Delivery of message Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Advocate Role Enhance Strengthen Enrich Success Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Challenges: Why Should I Give? How research data can benefit me? Why should I support students? Who cares if CRNAs get advanced degrees? Where does the money go? Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
3 Basic Motivations for Giving 1.Connection (linkage) Knows someone – advocates, staff or board of trustees Is passionate about profession 2.Concern (interest) Issues you address are relevant to them 3.Capacity (ability) Relative and absolute The least important motivation in giving Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Fundraising is…. The right person asking the right prospect for the right gift for the right program at the right time in the right way. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Ways to Give Annual Giving Scholarships Endowments Special Events Planned Giving Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Legal Issues in Fundraising State Registrations Charitable Raffles Poker, Auctions Donations Tax Issues Estate Issues Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Skills, Tools and Triumph Direct Mail Web -Social Media State Meeting Events Booth Information Recognition Awards Ribbons and Medals Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Motivation: Linkage, Interest & Ability Board of Trustees Advocates Donors - individual - associations - corporate External Resources Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Donors link to Motivated Volunteers The peer ask is still the most effective and most motivating in most major gifts programs: volunteers can also learn the “cues and clues” for having a conversation about planned giving The best approach is to have trained and knowledgeable staff and Board working with motivated and committed volunteers Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Motivation linked to Values Match the donor’s values (e.g., your focus on program/outreach issues – matches his/her values and your delivery of those messages is having an impact) Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Motivation Ignited by Mission A heightened interest in outcomes is replacing a need for rewards Recognition must be increasingly mission-connected Passion is fueled by involvement. All meetings involving donors and volunteers need to have a “mission moment” with a direct message from those who benefit from what you do Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Connecting with the Vision People buy in to a vision: if you want BIG gifts, make it BIG. Cultivation and Solicitation is based on engaging a prospect to become an investor in the vision while acting on his/her values. Stewardship is based on the progress towards vision, and how the donor’s investment is helping advance that vision. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Focus on the Donor We need to put the relationship and the individual ahead of the money We need to maintain stewardship with donors even in “off giving” years (invite them, write them, excite them) It is the strongest indication of our true attitude towards our donors Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Motivational Giving The process of arousing and sustaining goal-directed behavior. Generational differences. Each generation influenced by former. Impacted by: Economic Conditions Societal Norms Political Events Major Crises Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Generation X Born between 1965 and 1976 Want more information Distrust large organization Want challenges and social connections Crave time w/family Most diverse Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Millenniums or Gen Y Born between 1977 and 1994 Want to be a part of a community High expectations of self Share their voice and make an immediate impact, immediate responsibility Think globally but goal-oriented Want tangible results Influenced by peers Want to give time as well as money Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
First Class Attention Keep them connected with your mission, vision, values, of course! Be donor-centered and invest the money and people it takes to nurture relationships Engage them in ways that show them that you know them. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Create Culture of Giving To make relevant social investment, not just a gift To see and know true impact To fund issues that reflect their values and desires To fund new ideas that effectively address needs or problems whether they are old or emergent To respond to opportunities for appropriate involvement Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Fundraising The magical mingling of a joyful giver, a grateful recipient, and an artful asker! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
“The Fear Factor” 1.They will say no 2.They will ask me a question I cannot answer 3.They will get mad and it will ruin our relationship 4.I don’t know how to “close the deal” Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Replacing Negative Feelings with New Attitudes Instead: The “ Campaign Goal” is… Promoting The Vision of Your Organization By connecting resources and needs --and by linking values and actions. Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Why? The “Benefit Statement” answers the question every donor asks: W.I.I.F.M.? “What is in for me”? Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
The Ask Tell you own story, but remember The Ratio Rule: We have two ears, and one mouth Listening is your most valuable tool! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Role Play Need to break into groups of 3 Each group will be given a specific assignment and you will have 20 minutes to complete it; decide group roles Groups will convene and we’ll take minutes to actually go through the exercise and process Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Thoughts before Closing… The vineyards of philanthropy are pleasant places, and I would hope good men and women will be drawn there. Most of all, I would hope it will be better understood that if these vineyards are to thrive and bear their best fruit, they must always have first-class attention.” Harold J. “Si” Seymour Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research
Call (847) or visit our website at Thank you or your support! Advancing the science of anesthesia through education and research