2015 Institute on High-Impact Practices and Student Success June 9-13, 2015 University of Wisconsin-Madison Team Leader Webinar
Logistical Information Institute begins on Tuesday, June 9 at 3:00 pm with an opening plenary and workshop – Housing and institute check-in from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm in the Ogg residence hall Institute ends on Friday, June 12 at 6:30 pm, please checkout by 12:00 pm on Saturday, June 13 IMPORTANT: Registration changes are due by May The participant page has important travel, logistical, and housing information for you and your team:
Introduction 34 institutions, a system team, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, and universities of all types. Broad range of participant goals: – Developing HIPs from the ground up; expanding upon existing practices; approaches to engaging faculty. – Assessing high-impact learning in authentic and cost-effective manner. – Scaling HIPs to reach more students, increase participation. – Politics of Change and consensus building.
Institute Faculty Faculty includes twelve nationally recognized scholars and practitioners. Faculty roles: – share expertise in plenaries and breakout sessions – serve as consultants for individual teams – facilitate discussions within and among teams Faculty bios and areas of expertise are posted at:
Institute Tracks High-Impact Learning: Developing intentional approaches to engaged learning; deepening, enhancing, interconnecting, and scaling up existing high-impact practices, including activities in and beyond the classroom F ACULTY : David Hubert, George Sanchez, and Gordon Uno Useful Evidence: Assessing high-impact practices; identifying problems to be addressed and sources of evidence to gauge learning; seeking equity in student learning outcomes; using qualitative and quantitative data analysis for institutional change F ACULTY : Michele Cuomo, Tia McNair, and Carleen Vande Zande Scaling High Impact Practices: Incorporating AAC&U’s work on guided learning pathways and problem-based pedagogies; focus on interrelationship among courses, programs, and resources needed to insure inclusivity and excellence. F ACULTY : Susan Albertine, Thomas Nelson Laird, Ken O’Donnell Politics of Change: Addressing the political and cultural challenges of leadership; focusing on ways for campus leaders to better understand campus cultures and navigate institutional and external obstacles F ACULTY : Hazel Symonette, Timothy Eatman, and Judith Ramaley Please divide your team among the four tracks.
Schedule at a Glance The current schedule at a glance is available for viewing on the participant site:
Cluster Structure Group of three or four teams, led by faculty liaison Meet three times during the institute to report progress, identify obstacles, and share strategies. 1.Set institute goals on first full day 2.Report progress and share ideas on day two 3.Present action plans and give peer feedback on the final afternoon of the Institute
Team Time and Faculty Consultations Team Time is dedicated daily to allow you to connect with your team and develop your campus action plan. Each team can use this time built into the program to consult with their faculty liaison. Teams decide the extent to which they will incorporate faculty consultations into team time.
Campus Action Plan Template Reviewing the action plan template before you arrive at the Institute will help you prepare your team plans. Project description and goals Barriers to accomplishment and opportunities for support Team actions and timeline, both during and after the Institute How will you measure success? Action Plan Template is available for download here:
Preparing for the Institute
Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence A Campus Guide for Self Study and Planning This guide provides a framework for needed dialogue, self- assessment, and action. It can be used by campus educators as a tool for bringing leaders and educators together across all divisions and departments to engage in an internal assessment process and to conduct necessary dialogues, all aimed at charting a path forward to improve all students success and learning. This guide is designed with particular attention to helping campus leaders and practitioners focus of the success of students who come from groups who traditionally have been underserved in higher education.
Reading List Team leaders will receive the following publications by mail, for all participants to read prior to the start of the Institute: – The LEAP Challenge, STEP UP and Lead for Equity, Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence – Assessing Underserved Students' Engagement in High-Impact Practices by Ashley Finley and Tia McNair – Ensuring Quality and Taking High-Impact Practices to Scale by George Kuh and Ken O’Donnell Additional track readings and materials for concurrent sessions are listed and available for download on the participant page.
Questions? If you have any questions about your role as a team leader, please contact: – Susan Albertine, – Tia McNair, If you have questions about logistics, please contact: – Alex Belknap,
Thank you and see you in Madison!