1807 – British bans the Atlantic Slave trade 1809 – Prussia (Germany) bans slavery 1832 – Britain abolishes slavery 1848 – France abolishes Slavery 1861 – Russia abolishes serfdom (slavery) 1865 – United States abolishes slavery 1888 – Brazil abolishes slavery 1930 – Korea abolishes slavery 1970 – Oman abolishes slavery 1981 – Mauretania abolishes slavery 2007 – Mauretania criminalizes slavery 2012 – An estimated 30,000,000 individuals suffer as slaves
What it is, Where it occurs, Why it is proliferating and What You Can Do About It MODERN SLAVERY
WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY? Modern Slavery is Human Trafficking, which, as defined by the United Nations Human Trafficking Protocol, has three core elements… 1)The action of trafficking, which means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons 2)The means of trafficking, which includes threat of or use of force, deception, coercion, abuse of power or position of vulnerability 3)The purpose of trafficking, which is always exploitation. In the words of the Trafficking Protocol, article 3 "exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.
CNN FREEDOM PROJECT Opium Brides in Afghanistan (9:00) Mauretania: Slavery’s Last Stronghold (22:52) Bondage in the South-Asian Carpet Industry (3:38) Child Slavery in the Chocolate Industry (5:45) / Polaris Ranks the 50 States
WHAT YOU CAN DO… Trafficking Survivor: Its time to help others / / Call your Senator or Representative Sign the petition