Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Sierra Leone Red Cross Society IDRL Project in Sierra Leone - 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Sierra Leone Red Cross Society IDRL Project in Sierra Leone

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone The SRCS, GOSL & IDRL For the last 8 years, Sierra Leone has been recovering from the ravages of a 10-year civil war. The National Security and Central Intelligence Act was passed in 2002, which established the ONS In 2004, the D M Dept of the ONS carried out, in collaboration with the SLRCS & other partners a National Hazard Review.

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone National DM Plan & Policy a Draft National DM Plan and a National D M Policy have been prepared. Cooperation between the SLRCS and the government has been very strong throughout this institution-building process.

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone ONS DM next step A disaster management legislation to shore up political commitment and strengthen necessary systems will be the next step. The IFRC IDRL led project thus becomes an opportunity SLRCS as auxiliary to its govt naturally steps in to continue support with the process

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone The Disaster Profile of SL SL has not been dramatically prone to (non-conflict) disasters. Over the last 20 yrs, it suffered 34 events affecting 4 % of the population. This places it roughly in the middle of African states in terms of disaster incidence and below average for the number of persons affected. However, it is – ranked at the very bottom of the most recent UNDP H D I

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone The IDRL Pilot Project A technical assistance project to strengthen legal preparedness for international disaster assistance in Sierra Leone It is based on the new IDRL Guidelines adopted by the state parties to the Geneva Conventions at the 30 th International Conference of the R C and RC in November 2007

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Where are we now? The project was launched in February A Research Consultant has been engaged, based in Sierra Leone, tasked with the responsibility to carry out the research and organise consultations and wkshps A Task Force has been formed with a chair from the ONS and includes key stakeholders

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Research National Hazard Profile collated – pattern showed 5 hazards types – hydrological, epidemic, ecological, climatic and pest invasion Using the guidelines key legal issues were identified in a given scenario of disaster requiring international support and coordination

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Research Findings on Legal frame work United Nations(UN) treaties African Union Agreements and Treaties Ecowas Agreements Mano River Agreements

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Next Steps National IDRL workshop to be held in June to discuss research findings Task force follow up on issues from National Workshop Recommendations and next level interventions planned with govt

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Challenges and potential Barriers Government bureaucracy and red tape in formulating a law Funding and continued support from IFRC where activities may be extended

Trong Red Cross 4 betteh Salone Lessons Learnt It can be done. Valuable work in legal preparedness. Issues involve will lead to efficient, effective and coordinated aid delivery in major disasters needing international response. A great boost for partnership between govt and a nationals Society in the latters auxiliary status.