Adult Care and Support Commissioning Strategies Sarah Mc Bride - Head of Commissioning, Performance and Improvement Ann Hughes – Acting Senior Commissioning Manager Liz Nichols – Acting Commissioning Manager Kate Alcock – Acting Commissioning Manager
Introduction Strategy Background Co-production and Engagement Key Themes for Strategy Development Overarching Commissioning Intentions Commissioning Intentions Wellbeing, Early Intervention and Prevention Care at Home Care Homes Autism Strategy
Background Merger of the Commissioning and Partnerships Team and Supporting People Team in April 2010 Four strategies have been developed: Wellbeing, Early Intervention and Prevention Commissioning Strategy Care at Home Commissioning Strategy Care Homes Commissioning Strategy Autism Strategy Key Dates 14 March 2012 – Cabinet April Publication
Co-production and Engagement Anticipating Future needs Public Engagement - Carers and Short Breaks HealthWatch Engagement Strategy Specific Questionnaires for people who use services, carers and other stakeholders Engagement with key partners as part of strategy development Prevention Steering Group Future engagement at all stages of the strategy implementation
Key themes for strategy development Prevention Personalisation Choice and Control Social Capital Partnership Accountability Outcomes Commissioning Market Employees Protection Devolution Development
Overarching Commissioning Intentions Embed Changing Lives principles Safeguarding included in procurement, contracting and monitoring. Co-production Good quality services that are innovative, outcomes focused and responsive to local need Support individuals to live in their own homes in the community Development of services that prevent admission to hospital and support safe and timely discharges Work with the NHS to achieve a whole systems approach and to avoid ‘cost shunting’
Overarching Commissioning Intentions Support the development of Universal Services to improving health, wellbeing and social inclusion Support the development of a diverse market place for services, maximising choice and supporting Small and Medium Enterprises and the Voluntary Sector Develop closer working relationships with operational teams across services to improve future commissioning practice Undertake a review of Short Breaks leading to the creation of innovative, cost effective solutions by April 2013
Overarching Commissioning Intentions Review internal brokerage functions to inform future development of support planning and brokerage options Develop a web portal service that offers information and advice about the availability and quality of care and support services
Develop business cases and Equality Impact Assessments that consider options for services development by May Services will: Improve access to information, advice, advocacy and signposting Support pathways from more formal services into independent living Improve opportunities for development of social capital Ensure accessibility, availability and responsiveness Wellbeing, Early Intervention & Prevention Commissioning Intentions
Develop outcome based service specification for early intervention services that set out requirements for quality, performance, outcomes and value for money by May Co-produce a framework for measuring quality, performance, outcomes and cost benefits Develop and implement commissioning and purchasing plans and award contracts by December 2012 Manage implementation phases between December 2012 and March Carers: Invest new resources of £200k for and £1.021m for in developing short breaks solutions for Carers. Wellbeing, Early Intervention & Prevention Commissioning Intentions
Care at Home Commissioning Intentions Domiciliary Care: Align all sectors to procure a new Approved Provider List for Adults, including Continuing Health Care by April This will include: Service specifications with clear minimum requirements for quality, performance and contingency planning Market development to offer collaborative emergency response solutions Required geographical availability Continuous the workforce development e.g. specialist provision Alignment with NHS Continuing Health Care
Shared Lives: Effective contract monitoring and service development to ensure quality and responsiveness Extra Care: Complete evaluation of current Extra Care provision and develop of a range of ‘core and cluster’ options for older people and people with a learning disability. Establish a new ‘core and cluster’ service for people with a learning disability in Camborne by Autumn 2012 Care at Home Commissioning Intentions
Assistive Technology: Invest in innovative solutions that enable independence, provide sustainable solutions to practical issues and offer an alternative to residential care: Work in partnership to develop an Assistive Technology Strategy that includes analysis of evidence from the Whole Systems Demonstrator and Just Checking projects Use of Assistive Technology to support Carers to take a break from their caring role Home Improvement Agencies: Collaborative commissioning with health and housing will be essential to ensuring the future commissioning of high quality, equitable services that offer people choice and equity of access. Care at Home Commissioning Intentions
Care Homes – Commissioning Intentions Review all Block Contracts with Care Homes to ensure strategic relevance, full utilisation and value for money. Undertake a market assessment to ensure choice, development of specialist services and appropriate geographical availability of services Implement an Interim Fee Agreement for 2012/2013 Improve transparency by separating care and accommodation costs Improve the quality of person centred care and develop the workforce to improve outcomes for individuals
Care Homes – Commissioning Intentions Ensure appropriate, robust systems in place to support the full implementation of Personal Budgets in Care Homes from April Ensure that people who use services have access to appropriate information, advice and advocacy Procure an Approved Provider List of Independent Financial Advisors with care specific qualifications Develop a policy and procedure for use when a service closes
Autism Strategy Five priorities Increase awareness and understanding of autism Develop a clear, consistent pathway to diagnose autism Improve access for adults with autism to the services and support they need to live independently with the community Help adults with autism into work Enable local partners to plan and develop appropriate services for adults with autism to meet identified local needs and priorities.