A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Norways internal analysis of laws pursuant to IDRL Guidelines Dag Olav Høgvold
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Host Nation Support Host Nation Support (HNS): Long tradition in sending support abroad, but not in receiving Host Nation Support (HNS): Long tradition in sending support abroad, but not in receiving Since 2007: An ongoing process to adjust Norwegian legislation – focus on receiving Since 2007: An ongoing process to adjust Norwegian legislation – focus on receiving Need to ensure legal framework is adjusted to future needs of receiving support Need to ensure legal framework is adjusted to future needs of receiving support
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Analysis of Norwegian legislation Ministry of Justice and the Police: Overall coordinating and facilitating responsibility for civil protection and emergency planning at national level Ministry of Justice and the Police: Overall coordinating and facilitating responsibility for civil protection and emergency planning at national level Invited other ministries to review their own legislation pursuant to IDRL Guidelines Invited other ministries to review their own legislation pursuant to IDRL Guidelines Identify drivers/barriers for sending and receiving support Identify drivers/barriers for sending and receiving support
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Participants Coord.: Ministry of Justice and the Police Coord.: Ministry of Justice and the Police Relevant ministries: Health and Care, Agriculture and Food, Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Petroleum and Energy, Foreign Affairs…. Relevant ministries: Health and Care, Agriculture and Food, Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Petroleum and Energy, Foreign Affairs…. Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) Norwegian Red Cross Norwegian Red Cross So far 3 coordinating meetings, 2 workshops So far 3 coordinating meetings, 2 workshops
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Preparing for future events Within 2011: Done necessary preparations for receiving international support Within 2011: Done necessary preparations for receiving international support Legislation + system for coordination etc. Legislation + system for coordination etc. DSB: Contact point for HNS. Liaison, facilitation, provide necessary assistance DSB: Contact point for HNS. Liaison, facilitation, provide necessary assistance Build on existing structures and procedures for HNS Build on existing structures and procedures for HNS
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Nordic cooperation on HNS Series of Nordic workshops Series of Nordic workshops –Experiences from previous events –Already well established routines for HNS –Policy related challenges –Practical issues –A framework for cooperation –Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Island, Faeroe Islands, UN, NATO, Norw. Red Cross
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility IDRL in the context of climate change Past decades: Increase in small- and medium- sized disasters – weather related events Past decades: Increase in small- and medium- sized disasters – weather related events Expect more frequent and more extreme weather related events in the future Expect more frequent and more extreme weather related events in the future Countries that have not received support must be prepared to do so Countries that have not received support must be prepared to do so Examples: Catrina (USA), Gudrun (Sweden) 2005 Examples: Catrina (USA), Gudrun (Sweden) 2005 Result of the storm Gudrun Photo: Energi- myndigheten Photo: NOAA Satellite and Information Service
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Norwegian Climate Adaptation Programme Established 2007 Established 2007 Interministerial committee Interministerial committee –Headed by Ministry of the Environment –Secretariat: DSB Provide knowledge, exchange of experiences, competence building Provide knowledge, exchange of experiences, competence building Focuses both on extreme events and long- term effects Focuses both on extreme events and long- term effects No changes in responsbilities – municipality/county levels No changes in responsbilities – municipality/county levels
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Official Norwegian Report (NOU) on Climate Change Adaptation Norway's vulnerability to climate change and adaptation requirements Norway's vulnerability to climate change and adaptation requirements Contribute with advice and guidance to local and regional planners Contribute with advice and guidance to local and regional planners –Integration with existing planning tools and methods Final report (green paper) to be completed by Dec Final report (green paper) to be completed by Dec Photo: Norwegian Geological Survey NGU
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility DRR/CAA: Overlapping Responsibilities DRR/preparedness and climate change adaptation – responsibilities at local level DRR/preparedness and climate change adaptation – responsibilities at local level Research – dissemination Research – dissemination Overview – status, trends Overview – status, trends Legislation – overview, gaps Legislation – overview, gaps Risk communication – planning for the unknown Risk communication – planning for the unknown Clarify roles & responsibilities – sectors & authorities Clarify roles & responsibilities – sectors & authorities Scenarios – knowledge, but not answers Scenarios – knowledge, but not answers International cooperation – risks & challenges across borders International cooperation – risks & challenges across borders Climate Change Adapt. Disaster Risk Reduc- tion Long- term effects Climate related hazards Other hazards Integration into local development planning
A safe and robust society – where everyone takes responsibility Thank you! More information: More information: –