17 June 2009 GP/DRR, Geneva UNCRD project School Earthquake Safety Initiative (SESI) in Asia and the Pacific Shoichi Ando Coordinator, Dr. Disaster Management Planning Hyogo Office UNCRD / UN DESA United Nations Centre for Regional Development
China Earthquake in May 2008 (Sichuan) Damaged School China Earthquake in May 2008 (Sichuan)
Indonesia Earthquake in 2000 (Bengkulu) by ITB Damaged School Indonesia Earthquake in 2000 (Bengkulu) by ITB
Vulnerable Conditions (Shimla, India)
Safety of Children Human centered approach Children’s right for education Human security concept – most vulnerable group Totally collapsed high school building that claimed lives of more than 50 students in Oct 8 EQ, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan Outskirt of Muzaffarabad- this community of about 50 households lost their 80% school age students because of collapse of school building
School Earthquake Safety Initiative (SESI) 4. How to disseminate safety to community School Earthquake Safety Initiative (SESI) Retrofit Bal Vikas Secondary School, Nepal Strengthen school buildings (retrofitting) Technology transfer and training of masons/engineers Disaster education and mitigation culture
Bringing communities in risk management to follow schools Schools and communities Center of social and cultural life - Entry point to intervene communities Discussion and observation of work during retrofitting of school in Kathmandu Nepal Safety of children not only during their time at schools but while they are out of schools School retrofitting program brought change in construction practices Bringing communities in risk management to follow schools
Reducing Vulnerability of School Children to Earthquakes (2005-2009) Asia-pacific Region: Funded by Trust Fund for Human Security India Indonesia The Fiji Island, and Uzbekistan Approach Emphasis on institutionalization of the program Take Appropriate technology options Seismic resiliency of community through schools Transfer ownership of concepts and programs to community
“Teachers’ Handbook” and “Training Manual” for experts UNCRD SESI project in Fiji
Poster and “Educational booklet” for students SESI in Indonesia
School Retrofitting projects in Indonesia (Bandung) UNCRD/SESI
School Retrofitting projects in Uzbekistan (Tashkent) UNCRD / SESI
Students’ Drill for Evacuation in Indonesia (Bandung) UNCRD/SESI
Posters for Raising Awareness in India (SEEDS) UNCRD/SESI
Outcome of UNCRD School Safety Project (English & Chinese)
END Disaster Management Planning Hyogo Office United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)