Jason R. Vogel, Ph.D., P.E. Stormwater Specialist Biosystem and Agricultural Engineering Oklahoma State University
Mimics a site's predevelopment hydrology through design techniques that infiltrate, filter, store, evaporate, and detain runoff close to its source. Emphasizes cost-effective strategies at the lot level An approach to land development that uses various land planning, design and construction practices.
These include basic design features such as: reducing the use of pipes, ponds, curbs and gutters; maintaining recharge areas, buffer zones, and drainage courses; using infiltration swales, grading strategies, and open drainage systems; reducing impervious surfaces and disconnecting those that must be used; and conserving open space.
Bioretention/Rain Gardens Rainfall harvesting Permeable Pavement Bioswales Green roofs Stormwater wetlands Tree box planters
Almost all components of the urban, suburban, and residential environment have the potential to incorporate LID. open space, rooftops, streetscapes, parking lots, sidewalks, and medians. LID is a versatile approach that can be applied equally well to new development, urban retrofits, and redevelopment/revitalization projects.
Rain gardens and Bioretention cells
Come in many forms … NCSU BAE
Rainwater harvesting
Permeable pavement
Stormwater wetland
Green roof
From Randall Arendt same number of housing units same number of housing units 10-50% less impervious surface 10-50% less impervious surface up to 50% open space up to 50% open space water resources protected water resources protected Conservation Subdivisions