Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Management Issues of the TEN-155 Managed Bandwidth Service Roberto Sabatino DANTE TNC.


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Presentation transcript:

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Management Issues of the TEN-155 Managed Bandwidth Service Roberto Sabatino DANTE TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000

Services in TEN-155 Best Effort IP (classical): –IP connectivity for National Research Networks –Interconnections (ABILENE, NACSIS, ESNet, CAnet) –Native Multicast ATM based –VPNs –end to end BW guarantees - interdomain –for pan-European Research projects

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 MBS overview ATM PVC: VCC VPC CBR, VBR permanent, scheduled, periodic up to 20% of NRN access –direct connections to TEN-155 possible

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 What do we mean by Quality: Everything that can be set with ATM: –Bandwidth –Flow control –delay –jitter –delivery –availability … that is nothing new, where is the challenge?

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Coordination and Management !

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Service Overview Management Boundaries

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 A good Example:

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Three ways of doing things Germany Netherlands UK France Greece Switzerland Belgium Spain Italy Austria Hungary CERN Czech Republic Poland Luxembourg Portugal Israel Slovenia Ireland Nordic Countries (SE, NO, IS, DK, FI) Service in Place, operational procedures in place covering connected institutions Defining Service, draft procedures No Service defined, DANTE as a “proxy agent”, agreed procedures

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 The Group Network Manager From the project paticipants or users Collects information from user nodes, liasing with national ASM (ATM Service Managers) –technical –administrative Can “make things happen”: –technical knowledge –right contacts within National organisations

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 What is the service scenario? Users

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 What we do Receive the contact from the project Get information about the project: –Sites –Bandwidth –Schedule If we consider it feasible, create a topology map, disseminate information and wait for the NRN green flag.

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 What we do next Once the general requirements are accepted, we ask for implementation details: –Information about the sites. –Technical contact. –Administrative contact. –Equipment. –Time slots. –Bandwidth profiles. We create the plan with that, and implement it.

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 And “detail” means: Project Site: Tech contact: (the one in control of ATM config) Name Address Phone Fax Mail NOC-mail (for outages and troubleshooting) Admin Contact: (the one "owning" the port) Name Address Phone Fax Mail ATM port: Equipment code (if existing) Address (ATM/IP?) Location: Address Room Rack Connectors positions Vendor information: Vendor Model Hardware/software revision Features Remarks: PVCs and Time slots: Origin End from (UTC time): to (UTC time): Periodic? (period specification) Usage (purpose, video, IP, best effort, etc) VPi or Vci: {VP/VC} vpi (local/remote) vci (local/remote) ATM traffic capability: {dbr/sbr2/sbr3} pcr (forward/backward) cells/seg src (forward/backward) cells/seg mbs (forward/backward) cells/sec BW in mbits/sec (generic requirement) (forward/backward) Comments on config (origin/end)

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Does it work?

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 –one project (MECCANO/ERCIM) –3 countries (DE, FR, UK) –January to end of March ‘99 –Objectives:  “to do something simple successfully”  to establish the procedures for using the MBS  to identify issues re: interworking with NRNs  to identify issues re: internal NRN workings We have tested in an alpha phase...

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 … and beta: Objectives: –expansion to more projects in more countries –validation of procedures –resolution of issues identified in the alpha-test 8 projects/groups including: –4 EC co-funded research activities –2 research activities between universities and research institutions –2 research activities within QTP/TF-TANT 11 countries (AT, CH, DE, ES, FR, GR, HU, IT, NL, UK, + CERN) April to end of June 1999

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Yes, it works.

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 EDISON, Application #1 : Spacecraft Validation with ‘Hardware-In-the-Loop’ Real spacecraft, integrated in France Real motion system for space proximity operations, in Germany Close-loop & real-time flight simulation of the spacecraft: Delay and Jitter are critical: delay under 50 ms, with 5ms tolerance

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 DIFF-SERV experiment (QTP / TF-TANT)

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Pending issues Set-up time around one week. Existing bandwidth and management limitations. It is not “plug and play”.

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Next Steps Keep working on improving the actual service. –Create a good “ATM Service Map” describing the actual status and procedures in all the countries. Make it user- friendly Look at the next generation European projects participating in the V Framework. Evaluating alternative techniques to support the service (MPLS, diff-serv)

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 Conclusion TEN-155’s Managed Bandwidth Service provides end-to-end guaranteed service today. It works in the multi-management domain. It will be continued in the next generation network, GEANT Can set the basis for developing similar services nationally.

Management issues of the TEN-155 MBS TNC 2000, Lisbon 23 May 2000 References TEN-155 – MBS – QuantumTest Program – More info: