Packaging the Business Plan. The importance of packaging and its structure Tips for packaging business plan.


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Presentation transcript:

Packaging the Business Plan

The importance of packaging and its structure Tips for packaging business plan

The Importance of Packaging N attractively packaged business Plan helps promote favorable first impression It sends important message about the care and diligence used in preparing the plan and managing the business

Packaging the business plan consist of: The Cover letter The Title page Table of contents

Necessary information in The cover letter Introduction of applicant The reason of presenting business plan Address of applicant

The Title Page The content of the package, which normally is business plan Name, position, address and telephone of applicant The contact person in the firm The current date

Table of content (sample) Executive summary……………………5 Business concept & Mission statement…..12 Operating plan summary………………………….18 Industry analysis ……………………………………..25 Marketing research ………………………………….45

Tips for packaging business plan Appearance is important. The following minimum guidelines should be observed: The package should be neatly prepared The content should be free of spelling and grammar errors The material should be printed out using a quality printer

Write a good business plan. Each component of the plan should emphasize what is feasible, the reasons why the business will successful and how success will be achived.

Use business language. The business plan and accompanying documents should be written in conservative business language.

Clearly identify supporting information. The business plan’s assumptions, forecasts and projections must be clearly stated and supported with convincing rationale and creditable evidence.

Highlight key numerical values. Discussions involving numerical values such as cost figures, sales forecasts and etc. can often be enhanced through the use of tables and graphs.

Know the reader. The business plan should be compiled with the readers concern's in mind