Welcome Back International Health Workers Assistance Centers Funded by The California Endowment
Mission Statement z“To build a bridge between the need for linguistically and culturally competent health services in underserved communities and the pool of internationally trained health workers living in California.”
zSource: UCSF Center for the Health Professions US pop. MDRNDDS L11.7%5%2%3% AA12.6%3%5%2% NA.8%-1%- API3.9%11%4%5% W71.3%78%87%90% US Health Workforce & Population
zSource:The California Endowment PopulationNurses Latinos31.1%4% Afr. Amer.7.4%4% Nat. Am0.9%- API11.8%13% White48.8%79% CA Population and Nurses
PopulationMDs Latinos31.1%4% Afr. Amer.7.4%3% Nat. Am0.9%- API11.8%21% White48.8%72% CA Population and MDs
Planning Phase Goals (Yr. 1) zDocument the number of immigrant health professionals and their training needs. zDevelop a database on licensure guidelines. zDevelop curricula. zDevelop partnerships with health and public health employers.
Implementation Phase Goals (Yrs. 2-3) zProvide Educational Case Management services to participants. zSupport participants in obtaining professional licenses and/or link participants to existing health professions training Programs. zIdentify existing “fast track” programs and develop other such courses as possible. zProvide courses on the US Health Care System, Leadership in Health and English for Health Professionals.
Expected Outcomes zContribute to the diversification of the health workforce. zDevelopment of new curricula and “accelerated” programs. zDevelop policy recommendations. zIdentify future program plans.
Professions (As of 7/02) zOther includes: psychologists, speech therapists, pharmacists, midwifes, physical therapists, social workers. N=2,514
Working In Health? N=2,514
Time In The U.S. N=2,514
Country Of Origin (N=2,514) zMexico- 36% zEl Salvador-9% zPhilippines-8% zChina- 7% zColombia-5% zPeru-5% zNicaragua3% zOther Countries Include: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Romania, Russia, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Trinidad, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Gender N=2,514
Identified Barriers zLanguage. zFinancial constraints. zTime. zEducational Institutions not giving credit for prior education (e.g. Anatomy). zLimited Knowledge about the US Health Care System.
Conclusions for Program Planning zStrong interest in intensive English for Health Professionals class. zInterest in Introduction to the US Health Care System Course. zStudy groups for licensing examinations. zStrong interest in Fast-Track Programs. zInterest in learning about alternative career paths. zPeer led groups.
Welcome Back Centers San Francisco (415) Los Angeles (866) San Diego/Imperial (619)