Kabbalah and Talmud (n) Explanation Kabbalah-A body of mystical teachings of Rabbinical origin Talmud- A collection of ancient Rabbinic writings Image/example People in the Jewish culture study the Kabbalah and Talmud to learn more about their religion.
Allegory (n) Explanation A story, painting etc in which the events and characters represent ideas or teach a moral lesson Image/Example
Ghetto (n) Explanation A section of city occupied by a minority group who live there because of social, economic, or legal pressure Image/example Elie’s family and friends were separated from society by being forced to live together in ghettos.
Anti-Semitism (n) Explanation Hatred, prejudice, oppression, or discrimination against Jews or Judaism Image/example Elie was shocked by the acts of Anti-Semitism from the Germans in his village.
Holocaust (n) Explanation An event that killed The Jews in World War II Image/example The killing of millions of Jews in World War II is named the Holocaust.
Auschwitz (n) Explanation One of the most famous concentration/death camps run by the Nazi’s during the Holocaust Image/example Elie spent months at Auschwitz trying to survive.
Birkenau (n) Explanation The reception center at Auschwitz; it was here where you were sent to the gas chamber or to the work camp. Image/example At Birkenau, Elie saw his mother and sister for the last time.
Zionism (n) Explanation An organized movement supporting Judaism and the establishment of the state of Israel
Dehumanize (v) Explanation To make someone feel like an animal or lower than a human by mistreating them Image/example Jews were dehumanized in concentration camps by receiving a tattoo and giving up their name.
Indifference (n) Explanation Lack of interest or concern Image/example After the death of Elie’s father, he becomes indifferent to living or dying. YES!! indifferent NO!!!
Bystander Effect (n) Explanation –The inability to stop a violent action due to a loss of personal identity. Example –Many people witnessing the Nazi’s killing did nothing to prevent it.
Kapo (n) Explanation A Jewish prisoner working for the Nazis
Truncheon (n) Explanation A short club used primarily by policemen Image/example The kapo beat the Jewish people with truncheons.
Persecute (v) Explanation To treat someone cruelly or unfairly, especially because of political or religious beliefs Image/example The Jews were persecuted by the Nazi’s by being forced to stop practicing their religion.
Genocide (n) Explanation Deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group Image/example Hitler’s enmity or hatred of the Jews was evident in his attempt to conduct genocide during the 1940’s.
Anguish (n) Explanation Suffering caused by extreme pain or worrying Image/example Being without his father, caused Elie much anguish.
Resiliency (n) Explanation Capable of returning to its original shape/form; able to “bounce back” from hard times/situations Image/example Elie’s resiliency after enduring the Holocaust is amazing.
Exterminate (v) Explanation To kill all of a group of animals or people Image/example Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews was called the “Final Solution.”
Integrity (n) Explanation The quality of being honest or having high moral principles Image/example Many Jews lost their integrity due to the Nazi oppression and attacked other prisoners.
Oppressed (adj) Explanation Treated unfairly or cruelly Image/example Wearing the yellow star was oppressive to the Jews because it singled them out.
Horrific (adj) Explanation Very bad, frightening, or upsetting Image/example The living conditions in the concentration camps were horrific.
Haggard (adj) Explanation Careworn; showing the effects of overwork or care of suffering Image/example Her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness.
Kabbalah and Talmud (n) Explanation Kabbalah-A body of mystical teachings of Rabbinical origin Talmud- A collection of ancient Rabbinic writings Image/example
Allegory (n) Explanation Image/Example
Ghetto (n) Explanation Image/example
Anti-Semitism (n) Explanation Image/example
Holocaust (n) Explanation An event that killed The Jews in World War II Image/example
Auschwitz (n) Explanation Image/example
Zionism (n) Explanation An organized movement supporting Judaism and the establishment of the state of Israel
Dehumanize (v) Explanation Image/example Jews were dehumanized in concentration camps by receiving a tattoo and giving up their name.
Indifference (n) Explanation Image/example YES!! indifferent NO!!!
Bystander Effect (n) Explanation Example
Birkenau (n) Explanation Image/example
Kapo (n) Explanation A Jewish prisoner working for the Nazis
Truncheon (n) Explanation A short club used primarily by policemen Image/example
Persecute (v) Explanation Image/example
Genocide (n) Explanation Image/example Hitler’s enmity or hatred of the Jews was evident in his attempt to conduct genocide during the 1940’s.
Anguish (n) Explanation Image/example
Resiliency (n) Explanation Image/example
Exterminate (v) Explanation Image/example
Integrity (n) Explanation Image/example Many Jews lost their integrity due to the Nazi oppression and attacked other prisoners.
Oppressed (adj) Explanation Image/example Wearing the yellow star was oppressive to the Jews because it singled them out.
Horrific (adj) Explanation Image/example
Haggard (adj) Explanation Image/example