Scouting Education 1 Troop 374 Scout Sunday Robert Baden-Powell Founder of Boy Scouting
Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Scout Oath Scout Law “ On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. ” “A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent
Scouting History 1910 The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated º February 8, 1910 º Under the laws of the District of Columbia Thirty-four national representatives of boys’ work agencies met, June 21 º Met in a temporary national headquarters in a YMCA office in New York º Developed organization plans Founders of Scouting: (click here to learn more) º William D. Boyce, incorporator º Colin H. Livingstone, president º Daniel Carter Beard, national Scout commissioner º Ernest Thompson Seton, Chief Scout º James E. West, Chief Scout Executive º President William Howard Taft, honorary president º Former President Theodore Roosevelt, honorary vice president and Chief Scout Citizen 1911 National Council office opened, January 2 º 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City º 7 employees First annual meeting º At the White House, Washington, D.C. º Addressed by President Taft The Scout Oath, Scout Law, badges, and fundamental policies were adopted National Court of Honor presented the first awards for heroism: 22 Bronze Medals 1912 First Eagle Scout, August 12 º Arthur Eldred First national civic Good Turns were performed º Promotion of a safe and sane Fourth of July Sea Scouting began Boys’ Life became the official BSA magazine 1913 First local council charters were issued Scouting became the official magazine for volunteers First Boy Scout Week was celebrated 1914 First Scout Sunday was celebrated First tree-planting project was held in New York Training for Scout leaders was developed First William T. Hornaday gold medal for the conservation of wildlife 1915 National office to train all Scouters was established Fifty-seven merit badge pamphlets were issued The Handbook for Scoutmasters was issued The Order of the Boy Scouts of America Arrow was founded Research & Evaluation 1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane Irving, TX
Aims of the Scout Sunday The Boy Scouts of America have designated the Sunday preceding February 8, or February 8 if it is a Sunday, as Scout Sunday and the following Saturday is designated as Scout Sabbath. The day is meant to mark the founding of the Scouts in the United States. Observation varies by unit and locale. Scouts go to their places of worship in uniform and help with the service. In the United States, Scouting has been used by churches, synagogues, and many other religious organizations as part of their youth ministries. Approximately 50 percent of all Scouting units are chartered to religious groups. These observances offer an opportunity for congregations to honor Scouts and Scouters, as well as to learn more themselves about the value of Scouting as a youth program.
How Can You Support Scout Sunday? Attend service Sunday, February 2 nd St. Andrews offers two services 9:00 and 11:00AM Scouts, Youth and Adults are asked to pass out bulletins and collect the offering for both services Come in Class A uniform Let St. Andrews know how much you appreciate their support and chartering our Troop Sign up on Team Snap for one or both services Attend service Sunday, February 2 nd