CHRISTIANITY By: Stephanie Lott
Jesus was a teacher. The Jewish term for teacher is rabbi. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus spoke Aramaic. Early Christians believed that Jesus went to hell after he died and came back. Jesus descended from King David. His father was a carpenter. Jesus
Constantine Constantine was a Roman emperor. He wanted to unify his empire by spreading Christianity. He thought he was chosen by God. He saw a vision of a burning cross with the words “by this sign you will conquer.”
Israel The history of Israel is in the Bible. Jesus was born when Israel was ruled by Rome. At first, Israel was the center of Christianity. Christianity would long outlast the Roman Empire.
Works Cited Renard, John. "Christianity.(RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS OF MIDDLE EASTERN ORIGIN)." The Handy Religion Answer Book. Visible Ink Press, Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 31 May "Israel." Ancient Civilizations Reference Library. Ed. Judson Knight. Detroit: U*X*L, Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 31 May "Constantine I ( )." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 31 May 2011.
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