“Neighbors to the Nations” Boone’s Creek Baptist Church Lexington, Kentucky September 11, 2011
Contact Information J. D. Payne Phone: Blog:
The Strangers Next Door
Acts 17: 26-27
7 Million International Migrants, 2010 Source: United Nations
43 Million International Migrants, 2010 Source: United Nations
20% of World’s International Migrations
3% of World’s International Migrations
1933 Estimated Numbers of Unreached People Groups Source: Global Research Department, International Mission Board 448
RankCountry Unreached People Groups 1India2,223 2China, PRC427 3Pakistan374 4Bangladesh353 5Nepal325 6Indonesia200 7Sudan138 8Laos134 9Iran93 10Russia77 11Thailand75 12Chad72 13Afghanistan71 14Nigeria67 15Sri Lanka64 16Vietnam63 17United States59 18Brazil58 19Malaysia56 20Myanmar51 RankCountry Unreached People Groups 21Kazakhstan41 22Israel40 23Turkey38 24Mali37 25Uzbekistan37 26Algeria35 27Kenya35 28Côte d’Ivoire34 29Tanzania33 30France33 31Bhutan32 Cambodia30 33Guinea29 34Burkina Faso28 35Libya28 36Niger28 37United Kingdom28 38Senegal27 39Kyrgyzstan27 40Tajikistan27 Countries with Highest Numbers of UPGs (source: Operation World 7 th ed.)
RankCountry2009/10 Percent of Total World Total690, China127, India104, South Korea72, Canada28, Taiwan26, Japan24, Saudi Arabia15, Mexico13, Vietnam13, Turkey12, Top Places of Origin for International Students in the U. S.,
RankCountry2009/10 Percent of Total World Total690, Nepal11, Germany9, United Kingdom8, Brazil8, Thailand8, Hong Kong8, France7, Indonesia6, Columbia6, Nigeria6, Top Places of Origin for International Students in the U. S.,
CountryRefugees Asylum- Seekers (pending cases) Canada169,43461,170 U. S.275,46163,803 Refugee and Asylum Seekers, 2009
CountryNumber Iraq18,838 Burma18,202 Bhutan13,452 Iran5,381 Cuba4,800 Somalia4,189 Eritrea1,571 Vietnam1,486 Congo, Democratic Republic1,135 Burundi762 Other4,786 Refugee Arrivals in the U.S. by Country of Nationality, 2009
From Baltimore to Nepal—From New York to West Africa
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Remember the P.A.W. Pray Act Watch
“Neighbors to the Nations” Boone’s Creek Baptist Church Lexington, Kentucky September 11, 2011