Let them be for Lights. Day 1 Light Day 2 Waters/Firmament Day 3 Dry Land/Plants Day 4 Sun, Moon, Stars Day 5 Fish, Birds Day 6 Animals, Man.


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Presentation transcript:

Let them be for Lights

Day 1 Light Day 2 Waters/Firmament Day 3 Dry Land/Plants Day 4 Sun, Moon, Stars Day 5 Fish, Birds Day 6 Animals, Man

To Rule the day and night Word for ‘rule’ is memshallah, which means to have dominion. It comes from the root “mashal”. Of the use of mashal Twot states The passages demonstrate the importance of the principle of authority, the absolute moral necessity of respect for proper authority, the value of it for orderly society and happy living and the origin of all authority in God himself.


Is prime light source Power warmth and glory Energy source Is the ruler of the day. When sun is present – it is day! Its glory is reflected in the moon. Power ruling in the heavens, provides light on earth. Quotes – Psalm 19 Bridegroom rejoicing as strong man to run a race. Malchi 4 Sun of righteousness – healing in his beams. Psa 89v36 Throne of David will endure as Sun before God (moon here as well) John 8v12 I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but have light.


Moon Is visible as light source when sun is absent. Role is to provide light ON Earth when sun is not there. The moon often associated with women EG Genesis 37v9 Sun was father, moon was mother Rev 12v1 apostate woman – moon under her feet. Song of Sol 6v19 She that looketh forth as the morning fair as the moon? – the bride. So is feminine and reflects the glory of the sun In this symbol, is the ecclesia – the one who reflects the glory of another. Hence in scripture is the wife, the ecclesiastical or religious system that reflects the power of another.

Stars of the Political Heavens Isaiah 13v10 Of Babylon Ezek 32v7 Pharaoh & Egypt Isaiah 24v23 Of man generally Joel 2v10 Israel when invaded Matt 24v29 Israels Rulers Rev 6v12 Pagan Rome