Today is “the Lord’s Day!” Rev. 1:10: “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…” On the first day of the week Jesus was raised, Mark 16:9; Luke 24:1-6. The New Covenant went into effect, Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Hebrews 9:15. Repentance and Remission of sins first preached in name of Jesus, Luke 24:46-49 N.T. Church came into existence, Acts 2:47
Today is also “Mother’s Day” Setting aside a time to honor mothers goes back as far as ancient Greece and Rome Ann Jarvas, “Mother’s Friendship day” On May 8, 1914 the U.S. Congress passed a law, designating the second Sunday of May as “Mother’s Day.” “Mother’s Day” now celebrated in 46 countries, though on different dates.
“God, Give Us Better Mothers!” This statement often attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte when questioned as to the greatest need of France. Napoleon is also said to have said “Give me good mothers, and I will give you a good nation.”
The Origin of the word “Mother:” Occurs in first book of the Bible, Genesis 2:24. Gen. 3:20: “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” “Mother” occurs 312 times in the Bible. The word conjures up a wellspring of emotions. “The sun of the family.”
Jochebed, the mother of Moses, Exodus 6:20 Note the story outlined in Exodus 2:1-9. Hebrews 11:24: When Moses was come to years “he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.” Who instilled within the heart of Moses an awareness of God and an affinity for the people of God?
Hannah, the mother of Samuel, I Samuel 1:1-2. Married to Elkanah, a priest, I Chron. 6: A woman of prayer, I Sam. 1:9-15. Promised that if God would give her a son she would give him to God, I Sam. 1:11. God answered her prayer; she honored her promise, I Sam. 1:19-20, Samuel was a judge, priest, and prophet, I Sam. 7:15; 7:5; 3:20. When he died all Israel “lamented him,” I Samuel 25:1.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus! Note the promise of Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14 Note the fulfillment of the promise, Galatians 4:4; Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1: When God sent His Son into the world, He selected a woman to be His “Mother,” Luke 1:42-44.
Eunice, the Mother of Timothy A woman of unfeigned faith, 2 Timothy 1:5. She evidently taught the Scriptures to Timothy, 2 Timothy 3:15. Timothy proved to be a great servant of God, Philippians 2: But before there was a Timothy, there was a Eunice!
The Importance of Mothers They are necessary for the Perpetuation of the human species, Genesis 1: They provide physical care. They provide emotional, social, psycholog-ical stability. The relationship a child forges with his mother “forms the foundation stone of personality.” Steve Biddulph wrote, “It now appears that mother- baby interaction, in the first year especially, is the very foundation of human emotion and intelligence. In the most essential terms, love grows the brain.”
Yet Mothers and Motherhood are often Downgraded! Many criticize the “stay at home” mom! Some mothers, in frustration, say “I’m stuck at home with the kids!” But mother’s work is important! “If you had two children, and six generations each have two children, in six generations you would influence 252 children.”
Fact: Being a Good Mother is one of the Most Important Jobs in the world It is Challenging, it demands Commitment, and great Sacrifice. “A nation is built or destroyed on the children.” Our nation is crumbling, and the biggest single cause is family breakdown! Consider the inner city gangs and the dangers they pose.
Good Mothers: Provide Life, Genesis 4:1; I Tim. 5:14. Spend time with their children, Prov. 29:15. Provide nurture and bonding, Isaiah 66:13. Give Spankings when they are needed, Prov. 22:15.
Good Mothers (continued) Give Guidance, Prov. 1:8; 6:20. –J.T. Marlin, regarding George DeHoff: “When he was a small child, George’s mother read to him every day from the Bible. At four, he began reading it himself. He began preaching at the age of 15, and had baptized 2,500 people by the time he was 25.” Are Busy, Prov. 31:15,27. Are very Valuable, Prov. 31:10; 18:22; Titus 1:4-5. Should be honored, Deut. 5:16; Eph. 6:2
Conclusion: We should never under estimate the power and influence of a woman, for good or bad! We should never under estimate the power and influence of a good mother! “God, give us better mothers” Good mothers obey God; they seek to lead their children to God!