Chapter 8 Key Topics 1.Calculations of growth rate 2.Types of growth & species survivorship 3.Population flunctuations based on cycles and density factors 4.Historical perspective of human population growth 5.A countries age structure - what influences it - how it influences the countries pop. Growth 6.Immigration laws and the future of immigration here and in the world
Population Change Chapter 8
Earth’s Carrying Capacity How Many?
Only In China?
The Human Population - Demographics Current Population Numbers Check out: billion people billion people billion people billion people billion people billion people billion people billion people A staggering 97 percent of global growth over the next 40 years will happen in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The increase from 6 billion to 7 billion is likely to take 12 years, as did the increase from 5 billion to 6 billion. Both events are unprecedented in world history.
World Population
US Population
Demographics of Countries Most Populous Countries Insert Table 8.1
Growth Rates
Demographics of Countries Demographic Stages
Transition & Age Structure
Demographics of Countries Age Structure of Countries Generalized Age Structure
Demographics of Countries Examples:
Demographics of Countries Examples:
Demographics of Countries Examples:
Demographics of Countries Developed vs. Developing Countries Demographics Insert Table 8.2 (note reconstruction)
Demographics of Countries Developed vs. Developing Countries Demographics Table 8.2
An Aging Nation 1.Social Security, Health, & Pension designed as a “Pay-as-you-go” system 2.Crime Rates 3.Migration 4.Educational Status 5.Industrial Productivity
Demographics of the US
Africa & Aids How does an epidemic like AIDS in Africa impact individual countries or villages?
Africa & AIDS Lost one or both parents Infected individuals die within 10 years Leading cause of death in Africa 2.2 million Vs. 3 million world-wide Botswana Life expectancy 60 years now 36 Economic, Agricultural, & Social pains