Second International Seville Seminar on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): Impacts on policy and decision making 28th- 29th September 2006 Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation : A Case of the Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan) Chatri Sripaipan National Science and Technology Development Agency
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Why this Case Study Theme of Seminar is “Impact of FTA on policy and decision making” This case study demonstrates the impact of scenario planning on TPA’s new “vision” and decision on two long pending issues changes in 3 years after the exercise
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan) Established in 1973 by a group of alumni from Japan Trained over 350,000 persons in industrial technology Over 100,000 persons in languages Over 1,000 persons in enterprise diagnosis Published over 830 titles and sold over 4.5 million copies Services over 2,000 companies a year
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Scenario SWOT BSC Methodologies TPA Corp. Value of NPO New Synergy Two policy issues resolved New vision 7 initiatives
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Three Scenarios TPA Corp. Concentrate on profit making activities, RBM, CEO, less synergy Value of Non-Profit Organization (NPO) From association to foundation, new dimension for learning, synergy and teamwork, Prime Minister’s Price in International Cooperation for NPO New Synergy Competition from universities, synergy spear-headed by consultancy, practical solution provider, expansion of service to provinces, closer relationship with China
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Two Policy Issues Can TPA survive if Japan cuts off its financial support? Should TPA become a private company since some of its operations are making profit?
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Old and New Visions Old TPA is the leader in technology transfer to support the development of Thai industrial base New TPA to be a leader in creating, storing, and disseminating technology in order to increase the competitiveness of Thai industry
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation The Balanced Scorecard Core Competency Connecting knowledge from Japan and managing networks of experts Strategic Positioning TPA is in the business of providing industrial knowledge and solution Strategic Theme Product excellence and proactive networking
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Changes in Three Years TPA library management software in 100 companies E-commerce: book selling and training management HRM Package with e-learning: implemented Marketing programme: expand customer base, survey corporate image for internal knowledge sharing BELIEF as corporate identity
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Surprises Thailand-Japan Institute of Technology: with an investment of US$ 10 million. The Institute will take in the first batch of bachelor and master students in 2007 E-learning: did not take off
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Discussions Why TPA has been successful in implementing the outcomes of foresight? Its leaders recognised the time for change Strong commitment in the foresight workshops BSC pointed out needs to enhance partnerships, improve marketing, and utilise IT for productivity TPA staff does not wait to get on with the reforms
Foresight in a Non-profit Organisation Thank you for your attention