The Browning of America: The Growing Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Presidents Conference Council for Christian Colleges & Universities January 28, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

The Browning of America: The Growing Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Presidents Conference Council for Christian Colleges & Universities January 28, 2011 Luis Lugo Director, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Washington, D.C.

1 Foreign Born Population by Race and Ethnicity Source: Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2007, Pew Hispanic Center, 2009 I

2 Fertility Rates by Ethnicity Source: National Center for Health Statistics, 2007

3 Hispanic Population in the U.S. (Actual and Projected) Millions Source: U.S. Population Projections: , Pew Research Center, 2008

4 Population by Race and Ethnicity, Actual and Projected: 1960, 2005 and 2050 (% of total) Source: U.S. Population Projections: , Pew Research Center, 2008

5 Religious Affiliation of Foreign and Native Born Source: U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, Religious Affiliation: Diverse and Dynamic, p. 47; *Includes respondents who were born in U.S. territories (Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, etc.) and Puerto Rico. Total Population Native BornForeign Born* Christian 78% 79% 74% Protestant Evangelical churches Mainline churches Historically black churches Catholic Mormon Jehovah’s Witness Orthodox Other Religions Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu 0.4 < Unaffiliated II

Religious Affiliation of Immigrants by Time of Arrival Christian 78% 78% 68% 76% 74% 74% Protestant Evangelical churches Mainline churches Historically black churches Catholic Mormon Jehovah’s Witness Orthodox Other Religions Jewish Muslim <0.5 < Buddhist Hindu < Unaffiliated Source: U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, Religious Affiliation, p

7 Racial and Ethnic Distribution of Religious Traditions White Black Asian Other/ Latino Mixed Race Total Population71% 11% 3% 3% 12% Christian Protestant Evangelical churches Mainline churches Historically black churches Catholic Mormon Jehovah’s Witness Orthodox Other Religions Jewish Muslim Buddhist Hindu Unaffiliated Source: U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, Religious Affiliation, p. 44. Non-Latino

8 Denominational Distribution of Latinos Source: Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion, p. 7. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and Pew Hispanic Center, Note: Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Catholic67.6% Protestant19.6 Baptist 6.9 Independent/Nondenominational 3.0 Congregational/Church of Christ 0.7 Presbyterian 0.3 Methodist 0.3 Lutheran 0.2 Episcopalian 0.2 Reformed 0.0 Something else 2.3 Nothing in particular 1.5 DK/Refused 1.1 Other Christians2.7 Jehovah’s Witness 1.9 Mormon 0.7 Orthodox 0.1 Other Faiths0.9 Unaffiliated7.8 DK/Refused1.1

9 Religious Tradition Among Latinos by Country of Origin % who are...All Hispanics Mexico Puerto Rico Cuba Dominican Republic Central America South America Catholic 68% 74% 49% 60% 68% 60% 71% Evangelical Mainline Protestant Other Christian Unaffiliated Source: Changing Faiths, p. 13.

10 Renewalism Among Latino Protestants Pentecostals Charismatics Neither All 31% 26%44% Country of Origin Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Dominican Central American South American Nativity Foreign Born Native Born Non-Hispanic Protestants † Source: Changing Faiths, p. 30. †Source: 2006 Pew Forum Global Survey of Pentecostals.

Conversion Among Latinos by Religious Affiliation % who are... All Mainline Other Hispanics Catholic Evangelical Protestant Christian Unaffiliated Converts 18% 2% 51% 32% 52% 65% Formerly Catholic 13 * Formerly Protestant Not Converts Source: Changing Faiths, p. 40. Among Hispanics who are currently…

Estimates of the U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population from Latin America, Source: Trends in Unauthorized Immigration: Undocumented Inflow Now Trails Legal Inflow & U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Flows Are Down Sharply Since Mid- Decade, Pew Hispanic Center, 2008 & 2010 III

English Proficiency Among Foreign Born Adults Source: 2006 American Community Survey 13

Religious Tradition Among Hispanic Adults by Education and Income 14 Education All U.S. All Hispanics CatholicEvangelical Mainline Protestant Other Christian Unaffiliated Less than high school degree 14% 39%42%34%30%37%33% High school degree Four-year college degree Income Less than $30, $30,000- $49, $50,000 or more Source for Hispanics: Changing Faiths, p. 12. Source for Total U.S. Population: U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, Religious Affiliation, p. 56, 60. Among Hispanics…