Category 7 Summary Organizers: Torre Wenaus and NK Nobu Katayama KEK
HENP software architecture and software engineering In our category, we have discussed mainly about tools and/or mechanisms to deal with –Large number of detector components –Large number of people –Multiple choices –Integration at active development stages There are two different scales –One person trying to help 10 software developers –10 people trying to organize development work by 100 people
Goals For users, tools should just work; they should be –Simple to use –Easy to understand –Error prone –Stable and reliable –Supported well Toward generic, non-experiment specific tools? –Standardization Common “data” format –Coordination among experiments/laboratories –Good tools become being used (slowly) by more and more people Goodness itself doesn’t always make it happen, though
Talk/poster statistics LHC –ATLAS(6) –CMS(3) –LHCb(2) –ALICE(2) Other exp. –CDF(2) –Icecube, GLAST(2), CLEO-III(2), LC Accelerator/control –DESY(2), BaBar/PEP-II Non-exp. specific (Root, freeHEP) LCG projects (SEAL, SCRAM)
Subcategories Event model, data definition(4) Package/project building, project management and release tool (7) Geometry/detector definition(3) Framework and library (8) Others (6)
Event model/data definition Storegate: a Data Model for the Atlas Software Architecture (ATLAS) Event Data definition in LHCb Athena Data Dictionary and Description Language (ATLAS) (as I understand it), we are waiting for LCG version of it Event as an Object-Relational Database; Avoiding the Dependency Nightmare (CLEO-III) –Dependencies kept in one “library”
Object Relational Approach Track:1 EM Shower:1 Track:2 Hit:1 Hit:2 Hit:3 Hit:4 Hit:5 Hit:6 Hit:7 Hit:8 EM Shower:2 EM Shower:3 1:data:1 2:data:1 4:data:1 7:data:1 3:data:2 5:data:2 6:data:2 8:data:2 1:data:1,2 2:data:2 Describe N-M relations
Package/project building, project management, release tool OVAL: CMS testing tool User-friendly tools for managing projects (VCMT, GLAST) Athena Startup Kit (ASK, ATLAS) –User need to know only few commands when jumping into analysis GLAST Nightly Package Builds and Code Release System Tests BOA: framework for automated builds (CMS) NICOS system of nightly build for distributed development (ATLAS, LCG) SCRAM (poster, LCG)
General Description Original goal : help to detect automatically the changes in the physics performances of the CMS software used for data production. Current features of the tool : compile the provided test programs, run them in specified runtime conditions (shell variables + auxiliary files), compare the output with references. User interface is CVS-like, configuration files are XML-like. It is written in PERL and can be configured for any build system (scram, make). From OVAL
Configuration : OvalFile MaxEvents = 500 Random:Seeds = 0 3 From OVAL
GLAST CHEP 03 March T.Burnett11/12 VCMT for Windows
GLAST CHEP 03 March K.Young12/22 Web Interface (Carrot, JAS,…, Scripts) Architecture of System Tests Executive Script (Perl) Suite of Simulations Run on Supported Platforms Oracle DB Root Files, Stdio Dumps Root Scripts Root Histogram Files
Detector/geometry definition Detector Description Framework in LHCb GraXML – Modular Geometric Modeler (ALICE) Waiting for LCG decision Use of a generic identification scheme connecting events and detector description in the ATLAS experiment –IDs for 100 million channels in the ATLAS detector!
14/18CHEP /21/03Sébastien Ponce Data Diagram Structure Material Geometry DetElem Geometry Info Calibration Condition Alignment Condition Readout Condition MuonStation EcalCluster Condition Conditions EcalClusterCondition MuonStationAlignment VeloReadout Lvolume Pvolume Solid Box Sphere * Points to Inherits from Resolved on demand Material IsotopeMixture Element
15/18CHEP /21/03Sébastien Ponce Transient Store ● Tree-like structure ● Items identified by a logical name ● Load/update on demand ● Automatic update when new event Geometry Lvolume Geometry Db Detector Data Service Persistency Service Algorithm Ask for Object Retrieve pointer Check presence Load Ask creation Cnv
16/18CHEP /21/03Sébastien Ponce CondDB Implementation Geometry Lvolume Detector Data Service Persistency Service Algorithm Ask for Object Retrieve pointer Check presence Ask creation Cnv Condition Db Condition Service Ask for data Retrieve them from Database Abstract interface ● Additional service of the framework ● Independent of the type of data contained (XML) ● Based on an abstract interface with several possible backends (Objectivity, ORACLE, MySQL)
Framework/library Root: Status and Future (See slides by yourself) The FreeHEP Java Library SEAL: Common core libraries and services for LHC applications The AliRoot framework (ALICE) (See slides by yourself) Dynamically configurable system for fast simulation and reconstruction for CMS (FAMOS) Java Physics Generator and Analysis Modules The Virtual Monte Carlo (ALICE) Reconstruction and Analysis on Demand: A Success Story (CLEO-III)
FreeHEP Java Library Mark Dönszelmann, SLACCHEP, La Jolla, March 2003 HEP Specific Components Physics package 3-vector, 4-vector’s and utilities Jet Finding, Event Shape routines Diagnostic Event Generator HEP IO Access to a number of common HEP formats: StdHEP MCFIO HBook Root HEP3D Extensions to Java3D specific for Geant4 YaPPI – Yet another Particle Property Interface XML Particle Property Database AIDA - Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis Interfaces and JAIDA - Java reference implementation AIDAJNI – C++ wrapper around AIDA More on this in Max Turri’s talk on Tuesday HepRep - HEP Representables for Event Display Interfaces and JHepRep - Java reference implementation HepRepJNI – C++ wrapper around HepRep see several other talks and posters Future Plot Widget (JAS)
FreeHEP Java Library Mark Dönszelmann, SLACCHEP, La Jolla, March 2003 General Components Application Framework General framework for Java applications using plugin and service technology. AID – Abstract Interface Definition Compiler to make C++ headers and Java Interfaces from aid files. Graphics3D Non-Java3D implementation of 3D graphics, for WIRED. FreeHEP IO Extensions to the JavaIO system to handle specific encodings, ASCII85, … PSViewer PostScript Viewer to embed viewing of EPS in applications, or for previews. Swing Extensions FreeHEP Tools JNeeds – java package dependency Ant – extensions to the build system VectorGraphics Low level Input and Output of binary vector graphics formats (CGM, EMF, PDF, SVG) Vector output files, extension to Java2D XML XMLIO – classes to store/restore state of an application Future RecordLoop/EventLoop (IceCube) and more…
Domain Coverage SEAL
Simulation/Reconstruction Chain MC 4-vector SimHit RecHit / Digi Analysis object FAMOS/ORCA Reconstruction: ORCA FAMOS/ORCA Simulation: OSCAR FAMOS/OSCAR Start with fastest mode AIM: 1000 times faster MC 4-vector Analysis object sec 1-10 sec sec
Detector SimulationEvent Generators Interoperability Pythia Pandora Whizard Event Selection LCD FastMC TESLA SimDet JLC QuickSim Analysis Code Java Fortran C, C++
VMC Concept User Code VMC Geant4 VMC Particles Hits Geant4 Geant3 Output Fluka VMC Fluka Input Geant3 VMC
Other Revision control in the Grid Era – the unmet challenge (CDF) Commissioning the CDF Offline Concrete uses of XML in software development and data analysis (IceCube) Improving the Security and Performance of the BaBar Detector Controls System (poster) Concepts for Integrating Information systems (poster, DESY) UML and explorative prototyping for developing interactive applications (DESY)
Ominous clouds in the LHC era The detector components, computer systems, software, and people are –Complex –Inter dependent –Rapidly changing –Globally distributed How can we be dealing with the situation? How can we integrate all software to work together?
Trends XML is coming (+ RDMS is back) –Describe, describe, describe Plug-ins –Handle multiple choices (how lucky!) Nightly builds –Just to see if anything has broken yesterday On demand (just in time?) reconstruction Ever expanding roots? –VMC, AliEn, Geometry,(PROOF, AliEnFS on other sessions)
KEKB upgrade strategy Present KEKB L= L=10 35 L~10 36 dt =500fb 1 ~1PB/year One year shutdown to: replace vacuum chambers double RF power upgrade inj. linac g C-band larger beam current smaller y * long bunch option crab crossing I LER =1.5A 2.6A I LER =9.4A I LER =20A Constraint: 8GeV x 3.5GeV wall plug pwr.<100MW crossing angle<30mrad dt =3000fb 1 ~10PB/year before LHC!!
My personal favorites For Belle, when I go home, I would investigate more about –OVAL, GraXML, FreeHEP Java library –Root and related works For Super KEKB planning and work, –Virtual Monte Carlo and other MC frameworks –Definition tools –Nightly build tools –On demand reconstruction, analysis processing I am eager to see progresses of the LCG projects and adopt