Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– ELAG UPDATE Michel G Wesseling 17 April 2002
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– Integration OCLC and PICA Main office in Leiden Local presence: 3 regional units Information Technology Center Create European Information Infrastructure Combine Products and Services of the two organisations
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– Products and Services Library Management and Workflow: Central Library System (CBS4) Local Library System (LBS4) Internet Portal Software (iPORT) Services Shared cataloguing and ILL PiCarta / EUCAT WorldSearch / FirstSearch … Question Point Digital Preservation Services
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– years union catalogues Funding practices National baggage: Language Characterset local versions Library rules Bibliographic format (MARC, MAB) Cataloguing rules (RAK, AACR2) Limitation of technology Computercapacity Network infrastructure
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– Time for WorldCat? YES: as a global resource sharing tool YES: as a global reference and discovery tool NO: as a traditional shared cataloguing system NO: as a centralized ILL system
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– Time for EUCAT! Pan – European Meta Index Physical not virtual: Google like Regular update from union catalogues Bibliographic records Holding data Matching and Linking, not merging
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– NCC record Bib. 1Lib. 1 Lib. 2 Lib. 3 GBV record Bib. 2 Bib. 3 Match-key NCC record Lib. 1 Lib. 2 Lib. 3 Bib. 1 Bib. 2 Bib. 3 GBV record Bib. 1 Bib. 2 Bib. 3 Lib. 1 Lib. 2 Lib. 3 Dutch presentation German presentation Match key
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– PiCarta Reference and discovery services EUCAT meta index European resource – local view Linking to regional authentication and authorization All services are controlled locally
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71–
PiCarta: access to service User searches PiCarta index Fast and reliable display of: Result sets Brief references Full bibliographic details Holding or Location information User requests service Authentication in local system Services handled in remote systems ILL-I through ISO-ILL gateway
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– PiCarta and EUCAT benefits Users Single source Google like service Fast, reliable and accurate Librarians Improved reference and delivery services Improved usage of collections Record supply services Union catalogue holder No need to maintain end-user access service Lower cost of ownership
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– level Partnerships Full partner Supplies all bibliographic and holding information Partial partner Supplies bibliographic information Associate partner Supplies Z39.50 access to union catalogue All partners Authorisation and authentication services ISO-ILL gateway support
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– EUCAT: the challenge Is Europe ready for EUCAT? Is the technology approach valid? Is OCLC PICA the ideal partner?
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– Global Resource…Regional Autonomy OCLC XWC Bib, Authority and Library Directory Replication by Service Data Filtering in Each Node by Service Clearing House Local System Dublin Node + Holdings Fed Search Services Data Rep Z39.50 EUCAT Fed Search Services Data Rep Z39.50 Other Node + Holdings Fed Search Services Data Rep Z39.50 Data Rep Union Catalog Union Catalog Union Catalog Data Rep Local System Z39.50
Schipholweg 99 | P.O. box 876 | 2300 AW Leiden | The Netherlands | tel + 31 (0)71– | fax +31 (0)71– QUESTIONS?SFX Z39.50 Marc21 XWC ZNG ABES WorldSearch EUCAT iPort OCLC OpenURL GUM XML TOLK