transforming moana IAMSLIC 2008 Suva, Fiji
i am a librarian
i am a computer geek
what's the diff? koha greenstone
koha is an integrated library management system for managing all major functions of a physical library
greenstone is a digital library management system – essentially a document management system for final, catalogued, electronic publications.
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koha facts koha means “gift” similar to Fijian “savusavu” license: gpl Technologies: apache (others are ok), perl, zebra (index data), yaz (index data), MARC::Record, Net::Z3950::ZOOM, MySQL (or PostgreSQL), OAI support client: web server: linux with a delayed windows port Pacific installs: CINL, FFA Solomon Islands,
greenstone facts named after “New Zealand jade” license: gpl driven by the Waikato comp sci department technologies: apache (others are ok), perl, java, mg/mg++, ghostscript, assorted open source conversion tools, OAI support client: web, java applet or application server: linux or windows or mac Pacific installs: SPC library, PADDLE, USP Pacific governance portal
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3 great virtues of a programmer
hubris “Those whom the gods would destroy they first make proud.” -Sophocles
links (soon) and more from usp soon... chris hammond-thrasher usp library systems manager