ICT led Radical improvement in Delhi Government Schools Government of NCT of Delhi Presented by- Amit Singla, Director (Education)
DoE at a glance The biggest Department of the Delhi Government & 2 nd biggest organization in Delhi after police. Almost 16 Lakh Students in Delhi Govt. Schools. Enrollment rising by more than 1 lakh additional students every year Extensive IT based & MIS platform workingNearly 50 thousand employees.989 Government Schools of various types. About 1500 Private recognized schools & 216 aided schools Ahead of all states in getting EWS admissions (25,000 last year) Mid day meal (MDM) to 7.2 lakh students daily.All India best performance in CBSE results and sports. Disbursal of Rs 300 crore cash subsidy to students per annum. 2
Mission Access of Education within vicinity as per Right to Education (RTE) norms, Bridging Gender & Social Category Gaps, Focus on Quality of Education, skill development & sports All India best performance in academics and sports. Out of 200 All India CBSE toppers among Government Schools, 124 are from Delhi Government Schools
4 Pre-Implementation Scenario 1
Pre implementation scenario Year 2002 Eleven years ago, total number of schools was a riddle ! So was the case of number of teachers and students Director (education) and his staff were bogged down with requests of transfers Pass percentage was abysmally low Teaching was the biggest causality of politics Pass percentage in (conducted by CBSE) Class X: 46.14% Class XII: 71.23%
6 Strategy adopted 2
7 Strategy Web based Access - Anytime Anywhere Anybody Changes to be applied only in central server. Workflow embedded in the system. Inbuilt mechanism for automatic enforcement. Every important transaction to translate into an official record. Minimise monotonous and repetitive work. Real time updating of data. Accountability at every level.
8 Facets of Execution All schools provided with one computer, IT assistant, and broadband connectivity. Unique as entire web based software developed in-house. Undergoing a process of continuous improvement - every week/month, some addition made! Only a tool ! Backed by a system of intense physical monitoring.
Facets of Execution Listing of all schools and providing them IDs Providing unique IDs to all teachers and collection of their basic data Transfer and posting based on ITA (Index of Teachers Availability) Financial Management module Online attendance of teachers Online student management system Online marks sheet management system Online admission system Store and purchase system Court case monitoring system GIS module
Online Modules Developed 1. Personnel (EIS, ACR, APAR, PFC,etc) 2. Transfer & Posting 3. Online Attendance 4. Finance 5. Payroll 6. File Track 7. Court Module 8. Library Management System 9. Vigilance 10. AERU (Application for Essentiality Certificate, Recognition and Upgradation) 12. Estate 13. Student 14. MIS Mail 15. VKS (Vidyalaya Kalyan Samiti) 16. UDISE (Unified District InformationSystem for Education) 17. RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan) 18. GIS (Geographical Information System) 19. Admission in Class XIth Module 20. Cash transfer to students bank accounts 21. School Management Committee 22. Promotion 23. Guest teacher appointment 24. Sanitary Napkins distribution
12 Online Reports Available 1. Plan Schemes Reports 2. List of the employees transferred in a particular period. 3. List of the employees relieved but not joined at new work place. 4. List of Employees who have applied for transfer 5. List of existing Principals, Vice Principals 6. List of employees under suspension 7. List of employees against whom charge sheet issued. 8. List of cases pending for Inquiry Reports 9. Status of Extra Ordinary Repairs(EOR) 10. Status of AERU Requests 11. School Information 12. Court cases Report
13 Teachers perspective Online request facility for transfer to a desired school. Online Transfer, Posting, Relieving and Joining. Unique employee ID. Online attendance Online data correction request facility. Online Weekly Syllabus and other guidelines. Timely emoluments through online payroll module. Web based Internal MIS Mail Online Circulars & Orders Online Seniority List Online Annual Confidential Reports Result Analysis and performance evaluation. e-Governance Initiatives
14 –Unique Student ID – Approx. 16 lakh students. –Online Admissions –Online Student Attendance –Online Mark sheets –Online transfer to another school. –Online SLC –Online students feedback –MIS Mail –Computer Aided Learning. Animated classroom content is also available online ( which can be used by Any body, Any where, Any time). Students Empowered
15 Access to Public Act and Rules Online Information regarding any school. Online Attendance Report of Teaching and non- teaching staff Tenders – Departmental purchases Telephone Numbers of officers of the Department. Right to Information Act Public Circulars News and Events Important Links – to other government and educational institutions.
16 Parents Interface Online Admission. Online School Information. Online Circulars and Orders. Mail to Minister. Computerised Marksheet Online Attendance Report of Teachers and Students.
17 Results obtained 3
Class X CBSE Result for the last 12 Years
Gap between Government and Public Schools – Class X CBSE
Reducing gap in Pass %age between Govt. and Public Schools - Class-X CBSE YearGovernmentPrivateGap%
CBSE Class-XII Result for the last twelve years
CBSE Class –XII Performance Indicator
23 Enrolment in Directorate during the last 13 years Sl. No.YearBoysGirlsTotal ,34,4624,63,4898,97, ,91,8954,63,7539,55, ,99,4714,87,3589,86, ,05,7454,96,35910,02, ,98,8165,11,28710,10, ,13,5745,33,49710,47, ,43,1565,57,46411,00, ,99,1035,98,10111,97, ,48,4256,50,20912,99, ,89,2576,93,88013,83, ,36,7337,44,10314,80, ,70,2007,86,77215,56, ,62,1048,05,35915,67,463
Prime Minister’s award for excellence in public service 2008 Two case studies by IIMA on this project Won Golden Icon Award for Exemplary Leadership in 8 th National e- Governance Awards for the year Won Bronze Icon Award Computer Aided Learning Project in 9 th National e-Governance Awards for the year Won two National e-Governance Awards out of four categories in the 10th National e-Governance Conference Golden Icon Award for Excellence in Government Process Re-Engineering for Online Admissions and Student Management System. -Silver Icon Award for Outstanding Performance in Citizen- Centric Service Delivery for CALtoonZ. Won Computer Society of India Award for best e-Governed Department. Won Indian Express Award for Excellence in E-Governance Implementation. Recognitions for E Governance
e Governance Awards Won
26 Data Driven Process Re- engineering 4
27 Rigorous data analysis for policy formulation: Two examples 1) What kind of schools are best? 2) Which subject to focus on for improvement of results? Policy Formulation for academic excellence
28 CBSE Result GOVT. SCHOOLS Co-Ed Schools Best Performers Class X Boys Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I Girls Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I Co-Ed Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I
Pass % based on Enrolment in Govt. Schools EnrolmentAppearedPassedPass % Total MarksQI < > 300 & >600 & >1000 & > Ideal Enrollment
30 Single Shift- More Effective CBSE RESULT SHIFT WISE Class X Single Shift Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total Marks Q.I Double Shift Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I
31 Morning Shift-Better results CBSE Result comparison between Morning Shift Schools and Evening Shift Schools of Double shifted schools Morning Shift Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I Evening Shift Schools AppearedPassedPass %Total MarksQ.I
32 Path Redrawn Merged 70 double shifted schools to have 35 single shifted morning Co-ed schools with enrolment of in 2005 to reach the above policy objectives. A politically difficult decision. By 2007, results of these schools more than doubled, from 27.65%(2005) to 50.94%(2006) to 77.02%(2007) in two years. Satisfaction levels rose, underutilized resources released.
33 Passing in Mathematics gives you the highest possibility in over all passing. AppearedPassed Over All Pass Effect on Pass COMM. SANSKRIT ENGLISH LNG & LIT HINDI COURSE-A MATHEMATICS SCIENCE & TECH SOCIAL SCIENCE PUNJABI URDU COURSE-B
34 If result of mathematics brought upto level of English, the overall result will increase by 12%. Talked to all Maths teachers in seminars bringing out the seriousness of situation. Academic Training imparted to all Maths teachers by subject experts. Maths teachers divided into three categories based on results- Red, Yellow and Green. Every teacher informed. Pass percentage of mathematics increased from 53% to 94.03%. Simple Solutions for Maximum gains
36 Other Innovations 5
37 Standardisation Minimum levels of output defined, communicated and enforced for all aspects. Defined for each level—school/zone/district/region For example, for every school, compulsory to have: Annual function/Sports day School Magazine Two sports teams for zonal events Minimum attainment level in academics Participation in cultural events Weekly subject tests/Mental Maths/science competitions All Children to participate in Yoga activities. Competition for music teachers and students. Compulsory to teach one instrument at least to all students of music. Two library books per student per month.
38 Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Teacher attendance All employees assigned unique ID number. Attendance of each teacher marked online by Principals within half-an hour of opening of school. Backed by intensive physical inspections Attendance in public domain Teacher absenteeism almost NIL even in the remotest schools
39 Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Teacher attendance 13-Dec-2013
40 Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Teacher attendance on
Best Practices in Administrative Domain- Post Fixation Post Fixation - one of the most complicated and rigorous mathematical-logical calculations to ascertain school wise requirement of teachers accurately impacting on optimal allocation of manpower. Computerisation of the entire process resulted in immense efficiency gains. 41
42 Best Practices in Administrative Domain- GIS Module Building block for all other modules All schools & administrative boundaries marked on GIS Map of Delhi. Possible to ascertain requirements of number of schools, classes, courses offered, infrastructure etc. accurately. All transfers and rationalization done using this module.
43 Best Practices in Administrative Domain- GIS Module
44 Best Practices – ITA based Online Transfer All employees asked to apply online giving 10 choices, once a year, during vacations. A specialised programme for transfers. A transparent and well defined transfer policy The program does billions of calculations transferring all employees to places closest to their place of residence, as per policy. Salient features of transfer policy/program are- Teacher availability in any school should not fall below a certain benchmark --- ITA (Index of Teachers Availability). The combined distance travelled by all the employees should be minimum. Teachers with results above a certain benchmark get preference over all other categories.
45 Best Practices – ITA based Online Transfer Calculation of Distance between two schools Distance between any two schools calculated by the formula below. D = {Z1 (X1 – X2)}2 + {Z2 (Y1 – Y2)}2 X1 = Latitude of School 1 X2 = Latitude of School 2 Y1 = Longitude of School 1 Y2 = Longitude of School 2. Z1 = conversion factor of latitude difference into Kms X 1.15 to approximate road distance compared to radial distance. Z2 = conversion factor of longitude difference into Kms X 1.15 to approximate road distance compared to radial distance.
46 Best Practices – ITA based Online Transfer WEB BASED TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM
47 Children joining Class VI in Delhi Government Schools from Municipal Schools faced friction in the process leading to massive drop-outs. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME Each MCD schools attached to Delhi Government school. Data in respect of batch passing out of Class-V from MCD fed in advance. Admission online and automatic on first day of academic session. For other children, provision for online application and school allocation. Onus of taking admission shifted from students-parents to Head of Schools. Heads of Schools to follow up those children who did not take admission. Enrolment of Class-VI increased by 14%. Man days (estimated to be more than 5 lakhs) of parents saved because they did not have to make repeated rounds for obtaining admission. Important as most of the parents daily wage earners. Best practices in Academic Domain – Online Admission
48 Best Practices in Academic Domain – Online Student Management System
49 Distributing over Rs.4300 crores to 1100 DDOs under more than 100 Heads and continuous monitoring, reallocation of funds led to inefficient financial management. Plan schemes for uniforms, Scholarships etc. could not be monitored efficiently. Led to surplus funds at some places and deficiency at others. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME Online Financial Management system introduced, leading to real time accurate allocation of funds. Reallocation based on real time expenditure reports. Concept of Sanction and Disbursal orders. Accurate and efficient financial management system leading to almost 100% utilization of Plan Funds. Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Financial Management
50 Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Online Financial Management
51 Failure rate in Class-VI highest of any class, most important cause of drop-outs. Only 33% of the children had competence level expected of a class V child at the time of joining Class VI. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME A multi-media bridge course ‘CALtoonZ’ developed with following attributes: Covering entire syllabus from Class-I to V. Developed by the teachers of Delhi Government schools. All the schools equipped with 2-3 Multimedia labs. 7.51% reduction in drop out rate in CAL Schools compared to 5.71% reduction in drop out rate in non-CAL schools % increase in enrolment in Class VII of CAL schools compared to 14.34% of non-CAL schools. Later extended to Class X. Best Practices in Academic Domain – Computer Aided Learning
52 Active participation of Teacher, Students and Technology in classroom teaching-learning Best Practices in Academic Domain – Computer Aided Learning
53 Functions of Blood – Class X Best Practices in Academic Domain – Computer Aided Learning
54 In lower classes less attention paid due to importance given to X/XII results. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME Performance of all children monitored by way of online marksheet. Data used to evaluate performance of teacher/class/zone/district. Pass percentage of all classes improved substantially. Accountability fixed at all levels. Problem of fake enrolment also tackled! Best Practices in Academic Domain – Online Marksheet
55 Best Practices in Academic Domain – Online Marksheet
56 Department of Education, being a large system, communication very slow and at times even failed to reach the destination. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME MIS Mail developed. All employees & branches allotted internal IDs. Real time communication, individually or in bulk between employees and branches. Best Practices in Administrative Domain – MIS Mail
57 Best Practices in Administrative Domain – MIS Mail
58 Unavailability of ACRs leading to delays in promotion. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME Digital record keeping started with online ACRs & APARs. All ACRs & APARs in the current year filled online. Online generation and upkeep of digital records to be extended to all the records resulting in paper less office. Best Practices in Administrative Domain – ACR & APAR
59 Maintenance of huge infrastructure not at desired levels. Situation exasperated due to involvement of different multilayered external agencies such as PWD, often resulting in delay in sanctions and blame games without any tangible results. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME Online EOR (Extraordinary Repairs) track system implemented. Tracks the request for EOR from Principal to PWD. Responsibility for delay at every level fixed. Faster utilisation of sanctions. Resulting in better infrastructure. Best Practices in Administrative Domain – Infrastructure management
60 Libraries in schools not being optimally utilized. PROBLEM INTERVENTION OUTCOME An online Library Management System implemented for issue and return of books. All Librarians trained and the Libraries provided with computer and internet connection. The quantity and quality of the books being issued to children can be monitored at every level. Best Practices in Academic Domain – Online Library Management System
61 Best Practices in Academic Domain – Online Library Management System
62 Best Practices - Miscellaneous Online School Information for Public
63 Best Practices - Miscellaneous Online School Information for Public
64 Best Practices - Miscellaneous Class wise Student diaries with detailed weekly syllabus given to each child, Teacher’s diary, CCE diary District wise Workshop on school wise CBSE results with all principals every year with director all senior officers of HQ. Each school identifies wak students Compartment Grace marks < 40% marks Zero period of such weak students Support Material of difficult topics and subjects centrally printed and given to all students
65 Best Practices- Miscellaneous Operations on a huge scale Observations after analysis of data Remedial Measures Adopted DistrictZero Period Remedial Coaching Adoption of students by the teachers Sample Paper Practice Practice on question bank Monthly Test CounselingParent Meetings Team not Satisfied overall YesNoYe s NoYe s NoYe s NoNo NoYe s NoYesNoYesNoYesNo Central East New Delhi North North East North West A North West B South South West A South West B West A West B Total