Digital Photography DeCal EECS 98/198 Nathan Yan About this course -Technical Understanding of Camera Systems -Application to Photographic technique -Photo-processing: The Digital Lightroom
Theory Section Course Objectives: -Understand photography beyond basic cause->effect -Smaller apertures renders more things in focus -Higher ISO makes pictures noisy WHY? -Understanding the underlying science is the key to mastering photography: making photos look the way you want them to look, on demand. -Applying technical understanding to practical techniques -Darkroom of digital: Learn how to process photos Become a more capable photographer by attaining a technical understanding of photography
Photo Basics: Week 1: -Anatomy of a Digital Sensor -Conversion process of light into images -Aperture, shutter speed, ISO sensitivity in sensor model Week 2: -Side-effects of exposure parameters -Autoexposure/metering -Controlling exposure parameters in program modes
Low-light photography: Week 3 -Analyzing blur -Blur reduction technology/techniques Week 4 -Defining noise -Sources of noise -Noise vs. detail Week 5 -Noise reduction methods -Creative usage of blur
Lighting: Week 6 -Why flash is usually bad -Advanced flash techniques -Flash stop-action -Direction and intensity of light Week 7 -Dynamic, tonal range limitations -Balancing detail vs. contrast Week 8 -Expanding dynamic range -Shrinking dynamic range Week 9 -White balance -Black and white conversion
Lenses: Week 10 -Focal length and angle of view -Subject distance and perspective Week 11 -Focusing -Autofocusing systems -Depth of field Week 12 Thanksgiving break =( Week 13 -Lens characteristics -Resolving power -Diffraction -Chromatic aberrations -Distortion -Software workarounds
Class Format: Class meets every week Tuesday/Thursday? 6-8pm in 293 Cory/320 Soda? Structure: 1 st hour – photo review; 2 nd hour – lecture/presentation Work: Weekly photo assignment, concentrating on a specific photo concept or technique. Weekly photo discussion Online quizzes Lecture: Quiz review Lecture/presentation Photo Review: Review photos from weekly assignment Grading: 50% grade on quizzes Complete 80% of assignments
Applications Section Course Objectives: -Applying theory to practice -More in-depth look at photographic concepts and technology -Learning via teaching Open-ended format course for expanding photographic knowledge
Curriculum: Mostly (completely) student determined Potential Topics: Image file formats Image processing workflow Image library management Usage of ultrawide lenses Panoramic stitching Color detection Noise reduction Digital printing Autofocus Lens engineering Bokeh Lighting Flash Stop-action photography Macro photography Photojournalism – storytelling techniques
Class Format: Class meets every week Tuesday/Thursday? 6-8pm in 293 Cory/320 Soda? Work: Weekly photo assignment Researching, preparing presentation Class: Review photos from weekly assignment Student presentations Discussion Grading: Complete presentation project Complete 80% of assignments
Application: Go to Application due Sunday, 2009 Feb 1 at 11:59pm Reply by Monday morning First class: Tuesday/Thursday 2009 February 3/5? Other photo classes to consider: Intro to Photojournalism Decal (Wednesday 6:30-8:30, starts Feb. 11) Focus on Photography Decal (Wednesday 4-6, starts Feb. 4)