To analyze the nature and the intensity of change in information service provision in Nigerian university libraries Discuss the emerging information service delivery models To highlight t he strategies adopted in meeting users’ expectations To analyze the nature and the intensity of change in information service provision in Nigerian university libraries Discuss the emerging information service delivery models To highlight t he strategies adopted in meeting users’ expectations
To elicit information about the sequential phases of information provision and strategies adopted in service delivery, the following themes were discussed:
1.Information provision in Nigerian university libraries (Years 1980 to 2000) 2.The paradigm shift as reflected in the present (Years 2000 to date) 3.Expectations for the future ( ) 4.Ongoing challenges for Nigerian university libraries 1.Information provision in Nigerian university libraries (Years 1980 to 2000) 2.The paradigm shift as reflected in the present (Years 2000 to date) 3.Expectations for the future ( ) 4.Ongoing challenges for Nigerian university libraries
In Nigeria, university libraries have for decades played critically-important roles in supporting teaching, learning and research. The library users rely on effective information services, as a result of which libraries ensure that services are delivered as at when requested.
Years ) Card catalogue, selective dissemination of information, current awareness services, face- to-face reference services, user education, loan and offline CD- ROM based services - providing access to both bibliographic information were the early information service delivery methods adopted in Nigerian university libraries.
The emphasis on information provision during that period was: the creation, organization, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. The provision of these services to library users was seen as the exclusive rights of the university library.
In order to provide effective service delivery, the management of most university libraries in Nigeria agreed that automation of library resources is the hallmark of that period. Strategies adopted……
To achieve this goal, the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) under the World Bank credit facility agreement of 1991 supplied Nigerian Federal Universities with books, journals, one micro computer and a 4- user Local Area Network (LAN) version 270 of The Information Navigator Library Software (TINLIB) Strategies adopted……
The inadequacies TINLIB software at that time could only offer relational structure, full-screen editing, unrestricted fields and records and unique navigation searching but many libraries soon migrated to other Library applications due to some inadequacies; the greatest of which was the fact that the application software was not window- based such that patrons with little or no experience using library automation system could not use it effectively.
Today, Nigerian university libraries are gradually moving from the traditional mode to embracing technology-driven services. They have replaced a variety of manual methods of service delivery with computerized systems; providing opportunity for online accessibility. Services now include: establishment of open access to institutional repositories, acquisition, storage and dissemination of relevant electronic information to the community
Indications that Nigerian university libraries are moving, even though in an imperceptible manner towards the library of the future that is technically- driven are seen by the following recent developments:
Hosting of Websites: Emergence and Growing Access to Digital Libraries: Adoption of Library Management Systems Growing Interest in the Establishment of Institutional Repository Provision of Online Information Services Internet Access Mobile-based Library Services
As library environment evolves, so are expectations of the library users. Librarians working in these libraries also have expectations of their own and they face a perpetual challenge of ensuring that the services they provide align as neatly as possible with the new and diverse needs of their users.
The proportions of CORE roles the librarians would want to play in the next seven years are: Custodian of print-based, digitized archives and special collections: Manager of institutional repositories of digital information Subject-based information expert The proportions of CORE roles the librarians would want to play in the next seven years are: Custodian of print-based, digitized archives and special collections: Manager of institutional repositories of digital information Subject-based information expert
Teacher of information literacy and related skills Technology specialist facilitating electronic access to information resources Teacher of information literacy and related skills Technology specialist facilitating electronic access to information resources
Expertise in the use of innovative emerging technologies to design and develop web-based applications, programmes and services. Ability to use appropriate product and technology to communicate the modern language of information to global audience Expertise in the use of innovative emerging technologies to design and develop web-based applications, programmes and services. Ability to use appropriate product and technology to communicate the modern language of information to global audience MUCH EXPECTED ROLES TO MATCH USERS’ EXPECTATIONS
Ability to provide excellent, technologically-driven instruction and support to library users. Possession of specialized knowledge to handle the multiplicity of web-based digital resources. Ability to provide excellent, technologically-driven instruction and support to library users. Possession of specialized knowledge to handle the multiplicity of web-based digital resources.
The deployment of electronically-driven services, increase in users’ expectation and ability to fit into the much expected roles - all pose as new challenges for librarians in Nigerian university libraries.
Limited Finance The Library as a Sense of Place Attitude of Library Personnel and Users Users’ Behaviour Creation of metadata Limited Finance The Library as a Sense of Place Attitude of Library Personnel and Users Users’ Behaviour Creation of metadata
It is obvious that Nigerian university libraries have undergone major changes within the last two decades and evidence of such is noticeable. There is no doubt that the future is promising. The reality however, is that Nigerian university libraries face the challenge of sustaining their relative levels of development.
Building adequate capacity must be a priority for University Library Management in order to analyze problems, formulate policies, implement strategies and manage change for effective service delivery.
Other survival methods hopefully will be part of my take home
Yetunde Abosede Zaid (PhD) University of Lagos Library Yetunde Abosede Zaid (PhD) University of Lagos Library
Bukola Olatise Circulation Librarian University of Lagos Library Bukola Olatise Circulation Librarian University of Lagos Library