C & Unix Final Session Review (… because I, too, can do PowerPoint …)
Intro to Linux Kernel (Linus Thorwal) + GNU Utilities = Linux Un-certified Unix variation Many distros with various highlights. E.g.: Kernel + GNU Utils + X-Server + Gnome Kernel + GNU Utils + X-Server + KDE Closely related to C programming language Text-file based configuration TCP/IP stack build-in from early on
Technical Details RAID Partitions DHCP Permissions and ownership
Shell Scripting Bourne-again shell bash Variables Loops Conditionals Pipes Redirection Job control
Special Utilities pico more grep sort uniq tar last, uptime, top, who (w) tail, head gzip, gunzip
Installing a “tar-ball” download “file.tar.gz” unzip + untar./configure make make install configure program options Our choice: “httpd”
Web Server Configuration httpd process owner document root index files and permissions access rights alias & redirect password protected web page CGI scripts Script (grep) driven phone-book db with search Httpd access log file
C Programming Simple C program Compile and link C program CGI script in C Makefile Makefile targets, dependencies, and commands Makefile dummy targets C program with complex numbers
Encryption SSH Public/private key encryption GPG Cluster computing
Other Programming Languages Awk: BEGIN {init-action} {action 1} {action 1} … END {final-action} Count how many times a user logged in Perl: Swiss-Army Knife of Scripting Languages scalars arrays (lists + index) hashes Program to count frequencies of words in a text file
VM – Virtual Machine VMware-player exe Free VM player can execute VMs packaged for it Ubuntu_710_VMware_EN-2.rar User-friendly Linux distro with Gnome Desktop 7z457.exe FOSS compression/uncompress program Setup and configure to your taste See configuration document