Company name (Company ROC no) Institution Name Logo
BACKGROUND Institution: Location: Establishment: Total students/MM Fac: Total staff/MM Fac: Total revenue and profits (2007): ShareholdersShareCitizenship IHL Logo
Total number of Courses Applied: MSC Package: Selected Incentives Choice of Tax Incentive: Pioneer Status PROFILE OF APPLICATION
Prof. Dato’ XYZ President Resource Center / Library Computer Services QA-2 Multimedia Faculty Diploma in IT Diploma in E&E Engineering Diploma in Business Computing XYZ Principal cum Head Multimedia Faculty XYZ Head of Academic
COMPLIANCE WITH MSC REQUIREMENTS QA-1 ICT Infrastructure Labs PCs PC to student ratio 1:1 IT/MM Equipment Expenditure (million) RM - Campus Bandwidth Mbps Highlights: (sample) Wireless Access Capability that covers 70% of the campus Fully automated and computerised library with the utilisation of Integrated Library management utility (ILMU) Internally developed Knowledge & Learning Management System (KLAS) that integrates latest e-learning technology 95% uptime guarantee for any network failures Daily back-up to the headquarters (Shah Alam)
ItemsDetail Leadership XYZ (Bachelor in Corporate Administration, UiTM 1997 More than 8 years working experience Staff training policyStaff training policy for each staff is 5 days/year Average teaching load Average of about 24 hours/week Faculty PartnershipsRides on existing partnerships forged by the Management & Science University (MSU) Age GroupAverage age of MM Faculty members is in the 25 – 35 year range Participation in Events IT exhibition organised by UMS and Sabah State Government QA-2 Multimedia Faculty
Student per lecturer QA-3 Teaching K-Workers 80% of total MM faculty staff are FT teaching k-workers (100% Bachelor Degree qualification); There are no foreign teaching staff
No.Course NameCourse Code 1. Diploma in Information TechnologyA Diploma in Electrical & Electronic EngineeringKA Diploma in Business ComputingKA 666 QA-4 Courses Applied DIT obtained LAN accreditation on 14 August 2006 Total tuition fees around RM XY,000/course Compulsory practical training component (10-12 weeks)
SPM/SPMV Certificate Sem 1 Certificate Sem 2 Certificate awarded by ABC DIPLOMA YEAR 2 DIPLOMA YEAR 3 Diploma in ITz Diploma in E&E Diploma in Business Computing (Awarded by ABC ) DIPLOMA YEAR 1 3 Credits 1 Credit Academic Pathways for ABC penang SPM/SPMV Certificate – Polytechnic/IPTA/IPTS Bachelor MSU/IPTA/Other Universities Post Graduate
Current Enrolment (2009/2010) : Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Diploma in Business Computing QA-4 Courses Applied
Projected Enrolments (2007 – 2011) QA-4 Courses Applied
QA-4 Courses Applied – Projected Graduates Over the period of 5 years ( ), College ABC will be producing a total of 1,003 Diploma graduates specializing in Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics and Business Computing
QA-5 R & D Activities ITEMDETAILS Research Strength/ Focus Software Development Directions and focus led by MSU FundingInternal funding amounting to about 2.0% of ABCL Sabah’s annual revenue HighlightsInternally developed Knowledge & Learning Management System (KLAS) is being used in all ABCL branches; possible commercialisation in the future
KEY FINANCIALS Sales R&D xxx Revenue R&D Financial Comments: Net Profit Revenues expected to grow to RM 6.9M in 5 years with average net profit margin of 13% Majority of revenues come from Diploma in Business Computing Investment in ICT equipment expected to increase to RM M by 2011.
VALUE PROPOSITION Affordable education provided Strategic location in Kuala Lumpur Producing relevant knowledge workers to the MSC in the fields of Information Technology, Electrical and Electronic and Business Computing Diploma in IT has already obtained MQA accreditation
VISUALS from ~enter co name~
VII) Other Amenities Outside View
II) Computer Laboratories Lecture room/ Computer Labs
Electrical and electronic engineering laboratories V) Library, equipments and facilities