Week One Agenda IntroductionIntroduction Administrative AnnouncementsAdministrative Announcements Link of the WeekLink of the Week Expected OutcomesExpected Outcomes This week’s topicsThis week’s topics Break Out ProblemsBreak Out Problems Next Week’s Lab AssignmentNext Week’s Lab Assignment Upcoming DeadlinesUpcoming Deadlines Question and answerQuestion and answer
Introduction Instructor: Professor Bob D’AndreaInstructor: Professor Bob D’Andrea Program Chair of Information and Technology: Todd WhittakerProgram Chair of Information and Technology: Todd Whittaker Instructor commitment.Instructor commitment.
Administrative Announcements Turnitin.comTurnitin.com Section Number: V1WW Class name: SummerV1WW Enrollment password: summerv1 ClassID: ClassID: Bulletin BoardBulletin Board Proctor Information Student Sign-In Mid-Term Exam Outline (not present) Final Exam Outline (not present) Public Domain Open Source Sign Up cs.franklin.educs.franklin.edu Scripts and text files to be graded should reside under the student’s “/itec400/homework” directory.
Administrative Announcements APA FormatAPA Format Practice scriptPractice script Required directories for class homework scriptsRequired directories for class homework scripts Putty download sitePutty download site Helpful links for Unix and viHelpful links for Unix and vi format for “Subject” line format for “Subject” line
Link of the Week Open Source Software Definition of Open Source Software.Definition of Open Source Software. List of open source products.List of open source products. Who benefits from open source products?Who benefits from open source products? What is shared source?What is shared source?
Expected Outcomes Navigate and explore various aspects of the Linux operating system and use both GUI and command line tools.Navigate and explore various aspects of the Linux operating system and use both GUI and command line tools. To better utilize the Franklin Live tool.To better utilize the Franklin Live tool. Be able to create and execute a script on a virtual machine.Be able to create and execute a script on a virtual machine. What directory path location to store your final lab assignment script.What directory path location to store your final lab assignment script. What file permissions to use for the directories and files.What file permissions to use for the directories and files. How to notify the instructor that your script is ready to be graded.How to notify the instructor that your script is ready to be graded.
This Week’s Topics Review VMware software features Installation Icons in bottom tray ftp files: Start Konqueror File permissions for directories and files.File permissions for directories and files.
Review bash shell syntax Helpful shell syntax:Helpful shell syntax: $# - Number of positional parameters$# - Number of positional parameters $! - Background PID$! - Background PID $? - Return value$? - Return value $$ - Process PID$$ - Process PID $ - Provides the content of a variable ($NUMBER)$ - Provides the content of a variable ($NUMBER) $1, $2, $3 … - The syntax represents the positional parameters on the command line.$1, $2, $3 … - The syntax represents the positional parameters on the command line. exit 0 – The return values is a number from 0 to 255. A value of zero (0) indicates a normal exit.exit 0 – The return values is a number from 0 to 255. A value of zero (0) indicates a normal exit. exit 1 - Indicates a failure.exit 1 - Indicates a failure.
Review bash shell syntax Helpful shell syntax:Helpful shell syntax: “ “ - Double quotes. Removes special meaning of all enclosed characters, except $, `, “, and \.“ “ - Double quotes. Removes special meaning of all enclosed characters, except $, `, “, and \. Example: Print “The price is $Price.\n”; (interpolation)Example: Print “The price is $Price.\n”; (interpolation) ‘ ’ - Literal quotes. Removes the special meaning of all enclosed characters. A single quote cannot appear within single quotes because a single quote denotes the end of the string.‘ ’ - Literal quotes. Removes the special meaning of all enclosed characters. A single quote cannot appear within single quotes because a single quote denotes the end of the string. ` ` - Single Back Slash quotes. Used for command substitution.` ` - Single Back Slash quotes. Used for command substitution. Example: echo The date is `date` (interpolation)Example: echo The date is `date` (interpolation) LINES=`wc -l $ENTRY | cut -c 1-7`LINES=`wc -l $ENTRY | cut -c 1-7` LISTING=`ls -l | cut -f 9`LISTING=`ls -l | cut -f 9` elif [ -d "$1" ]elif [ -d "$1" ] thenthen fifi wc –l - Word count with –l (line option). Print the new line countswc –l - Word count with –l (line option). Print the new line counts ~ - Tilde (~dandrear)~ - Tilde (~dandrear)
Break Out Problems ps –e | wc –lps –e | wc –l who | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort –u | wc –lwho | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort –u | wc –l ps –ef | awk ‘{print $1}’ |sort –u | wc –lps –ef | awk ‘{print $1}’ |sort –u | wc –l ls –l | grep –v total | cut –c2-4ls –l | grep –v total | cut –c2-4 ps –ef | awk ‘{print $9, $1}’ps –ef | awk ‘{print $9, $1}’ Shell language command: $#Shell language command: $# Shell language command: for name in *Shell language command: for name in * Shell language command: NUMBER=$(($NUMBER - 1))Shell language command: NUMBER=$(($NUMBER - 1))
Next Weeks Lab Assignment Review Lab Assignment 2-1 Simple Shell scripting.Review Lab Assignment 2-1 Simple Shell scripting. Execute printnum.sh and maxlines.sh scripts on Einstein for students.Execute printnum.sh and maxlines.sh scripts on Einstein for students.
Upcoming Deadlines Lab Assignment 1-2, Install VMware player and Knoppix Virtual Machine, due 5/4/08.Lab Assignment 1-2, Install VMware player and Knoppix Virtual Machine, due 5/4/08. Lab Assignment 1-3, Introduction to Linux, due 5/4/08.Lab Assignment 1-3, Introduction to Linux, due 5/4/08. Lab Assignment 2-1, Simple Shell Scripting, due 5/18/08.Lab Assignment 2-1, Simple Shell Scripting, due 5/18/08. Lab Assignment 4-1, Advanced Scripting, due 5/25/08.Lab Assignment 4-1, Advanced Scripting, due 5/25/08.
Questions and answers Questions?Questions? Comments?Comments? Concerns?Concerns? After class I will help students with their scripts.After class I will help students with their scripts.
Have a good week