Obj. 4.01 Demonstrate characteristics of effective leadership. Teen Living Notes Obj. 4.01 Demonstrate characteristics of effective leadership.
Leadership Qualities Character: refers to inner traits, such as conscience, moral strength, and social attitudes. Opportunities: using good character traits to display caring, fairness, respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, and citizenship. Examples: “fairness” – taking turns & sharing “honesty” – telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth (at all times) “citizenship” – loyalty in regard to the quality of a person’s response to membership in a community
Leadership Qualities Responsibilities: being accountable for your actions and obligations at home, school and work. Styles of leadership: Autocratic: Boss, someone in full control Democratic: A team effect; everyone shares in the decision-making process Laissez-faire: Nondirective, in name only, allow true freedom among group, members are experienced and self-directed. Members will carry out duties without having to be watched and told to finish task.
Leadership Qualities A good manager will have all necessary supplies gathered before meeting ever takes place. Sometimes leaders will act as a motivator being persuasive and providing encouragement tactics (strategies). Task-oriented leaders will continue to work on a job until completion is done.
Leadership Qualities Effective leadership will accept differences among individuals. A trait of an effective leader would be to delegate (assign different jobs/duties) responsibilities and help out when needed.
Obj. 4.02 Practice positive group interaction Teen Living Notes Obj. 4.02 Practice positive group interaction
Business Procedures Steps in a planning process: Form a plan: members gather together to collect information on a project or event and decide on the who, what, when, and where decisions. Set a goal: to vote on an issue for a group to carry out. Act: members work together until they finish the project. Follow up: evaluating the planning process to discuss ideas for making next time better.
Business Procedures How to conduct a meeting: When conducing a business meeting, a member makes a motion to move an idea into action and before further conversation can be taken, this motion must be seconded. During the debate, of a motion, a person must get proper recognition before standing up to speak, if not that individual will be out of order.
Business Procedures Continue conducing a meeting: During a meeting, when the agenda (items to be discussed) addresses “new business” members then can introduce ideas to the group. When members vote “Aye” or “no” this type is known as voice voting. When a “motion is carried” and a member ask for a “division of the house” this means for a revote to be given.
Business Procedures Continue conducing a meeting: Simple majority is when more than half of the members are in agreement on a issue. Example: 50 people vote and 26 are in favor for the motion. Identifying concerns during a business meeting is when members discuss the criteria for a project or event that they want to do.
Leadership Qualities Characteristics of individuals in groups: Blocker: a person who disagrees with every idea given or gives a reason why the idea would not work. Dominator: a person who takes over and insist that their idea is the best. Recognition seeker: a person who works hard for a group and then in return makes comments like “my ideas helped us win last year.”
Business Procedures Order of business: Call meeting to order and take roll call Read and approve minutes Hear treasurer’s report Hear reports from officers, special, and standing committees Conduct unfinished business Conduct new business Present program adjournment
Business Procedures Basic parliamentary procedure: The purpose of parliamentary procedure is to provide a framework that will allow an organization to conduct business in an orderly, efficient manner, and yet protect the rights of each member.
Business Procedures The Main Motion: A main motion brings an item of business before the assembly. It can be made only when no other motion is pending and must be seconded. To introduce a main motion, the members would get proper recognition from the chair. An example of a proper stated main motion is: “Madam/Sir President, I move that our FCCLA chapter sponsor a Valentine’s activity.”
Obj. 4.03 Practice job readiness skills Teen Living Notes Obj. 4.03 Practice job readiness skills
Job Readiness Skills School to Career opportunities: Assessment/planning Cooperative education Internship work Mentors apprenticeships
Job Readiness Skills Readiness characteristics: Appearance – look your Best! Sunday “Church” type clothes! Attitude – positive attitude when applying for a job will make a “good impression.” Have a “can do” winning attitude. Communication – speak clearly to be heard and understood. Remember you are talking to ADULTS so speak adult language.
Job Readiness Skills Continue with Readiness characteristics: Professionalism – be proper and conduct yourself in a business manner. SCANS “Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills” Basic skills, thinking skills, and personal qualities using a laptop computer to keep up with current technology trends.
Job Readiness Skills Practice Readiness Skills: Foundation skills – learn basic reading and writing skills along with math (adding & subtracting) skills. Technology skills – completing a report on a computer spreadsheet program. Job application – answer every question honestly.
Job Readiness Skills Continue with practicing job readiness skills: Resume – For a teenager with no work experience, when typing out a resume they should focus more on their interests and abilities. Interviews – should be neat in appearance and show self-respect. Practicing for an interview will give you more self confidence.
Job Readiness Skills During a job interview sit straight up in the chair with feet flat on the floor to indicate self confidence and interest in the job. After you send a letter of application to a business the next step to follow will be to call and request further information or an interview. Prejudice: is a communication barrier that occurs when a person forms opinions about co-workers without complete knowledge or facts.
Teen Living Notes Obj. 4.04 Discuss career opportunities in the community and family services field.
Careers Career levels: Entry level: jobs for which little or no experience is required (just a high school diploma) Intermediate level: need training beyond high school (associate degree from a community college {2 year degree}). Professional level: requires a degree from a college or university (bachelor’s degree {4 years}) [continue in grad school to get master’s degree {2 more years}] [continue further and receive the highest degree which is called “doctoral ” Dr.” degree {time will vary}] *With each higher level of degree this will mean a higher salary job.
Careers Entrepreneurial: a person who starts and manages his or her own business. Career opportunities: number of jobs in the field of family and community science is expected to increase. Job qualifications: an ability to understand human nature will help people succeed in this area. Workers need a true concern for people and their problems. Education and training: the amount needed in order to work in that career.
Careers Substance abuse counselor: professional trained specifically to help people overcome drugs, gambling, and other types of addictions. FACS field jobs are relatively low pay for the level of responsibility. Social work position usually requires college degree. FACS field need to be flexible
Careers To prepare for working in a new job learn as much about the company before you start. Examples: career ladder for FACS High school diploma: caseworker’s aide Associate degree: coordinator of volunteer services at a nursing home Bachelor’s degree: social worker Advanced degree: family therapist
General notes Fairness means giving credit to others for their effort. Ex: sharing gym with different teams. Honesty means telling the truth. Ex: Telling salesclerk you broke a button off from a shirt. Good leaders plan, organize, implement (put in effect), and evaluate a project. Evaluate the plan – first thing you do is ask yourself if you have accomplished your goals. Ex: after you have purchased an item you wanted and time has passed, you think about how well you are enjoying it.
General notes A person who focuses on job completion would best be known as a task oriented leader. Accepting differences among individuals shows great leadership. A good leader manages a meeting by following a set of rules first developed by the English parliament, called Parliamentary procedure The chair or chairperson is whom is in charge of conducting the meeting.
General notes A misdemeanor is considered a minor criminal offenses. The plaintiff is the person making the complaint in civil law court. Every citizen has the responsibility to obey the law. Law enforcement services for the community are provided through tax dollars.