CCA Forum Autumn Meeting15 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Component Technology Initiatives How can we exploit the component environment.


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Presentation transcript:

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting15 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Component Technology Initiatives How can we exploit the component environment to provide computational scientists with better ways to develop their software? Support for Emerging HPC Hardware and Software Paradigms –Motivation: chemistry, biology, and groundwater Software Quality and Verification –Motivation: CCA toolkit, fusion, combustion, quantum chemistry, accelerators Computational Quality of Service –Motivation: parallel mesh partitioning in combustion, resource management in quantum chemistry, parallel linear solvers in core-edge fusion and high-energy accelerators

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting25 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Support for Emerging HPC Hardware and Software Paradigms Investigate how component environments can be used to enhance the user’s experience programming for new and emerging high-end systems –Massive levels of parallelism ( concurrent threads) –Heterogeneous processor environments FPGAs, scalar+vector+threaded, co-processors, etc. Planned activities –Develop and implement management for progress groups and (multi-level) MCMD parallelism –Develop techniques to support asynchronous interactions of components representing co-processors/accelerators with those running on the traditional processors

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting35 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Software Quality and Verification Extend component interface definitions with semantic annotations which can be verified/enforced at composition or run time (contracts) –Developers provide “executable documentation” about correct use –Users protected against improper usage due to code error, unforeseen circumstances, etc. –Can facilitate verification that the code is actually doing what it was intended to do Planned activities and connections –Method invocation sequencing constraints –Implement and demonstrate annotations in selected Toolkit components –Emphasize annotations needed to support CQoS work

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting45 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Computational Quality of Service Composition, substitution, and reconfiguration of running component applications in response to changing conditions –Performance, accuracy, mathematical consistency, reliability, etc. Planned activities –Develop common software infrastructure for dynamic component adaptivity Analysis (when to change) Control (what to change) Connections –Software Quality initiative –University of Oregon: performance monitoring, modeling, and analysis –TASCS Software Quality Initiative: Interface semantics –CCA Environment: Event model that supports dynamic CQoS behavior –PERC Project: Performance tools –TOPS Project: Solver interfaces –Other external tools where appropriate (e.g., Eijkhout et al., Liu & Parashar, etc.)

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting55 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture TASCS Initiative Interactions with Apps TASCS Activities / Contacts Project / PI Funding StatusCollaboration (full/partial/none) Emerging HPC (Jarek Nieplocha) Scaling the Challenges in Subsurface Simulations, Tim Scheibe (PNNL), SAP: Bruce Palmer (PNNL) App: 100%, SAP 90%full Emerging HPC (Jarek Nieplocha) Biopilot project, TJ Strassma (PNNL) Ongoingfull Emerging HPC (Manoj Krishnan), CQoS (Joe Kenny) Chemistry Framework Using the CCA, Mark Gordon (Ames) $0.5m for 3 yearsfull Environment (Tom Epperly, Sveta Shasharina), CQoS (Lois Curfman McInnes) Framework Application for Core- Edge Transport Simulations, John Cary (Tech-X) $2.2m for 5 yearsfull CQoS (Jaideep Ray)CFRFS, Habib Najm (SNL)Under reviewTBD CQoS (Lois Curfman McInnes) High-Energy Accelerators (TBD)Writing new community proposal TBD Software Quality and Verification (Tammy Dahlgren) CCA Toolkit + CQoS applicationsSee above

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting6 5 October CCA Common Component Architecture Environment Year 1 Deliverables Gary Kumfert

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting75 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Core Tools: Ben Institutions: SNL, LLNL, UU, ORNL, ANL PORTING to NLCF Machines –XT-3 Babel (ORNL-lead) –Wael started this in Indiana Mtg. Ccaffeine (SNL-lead) Tutorial (?) Toolkit (?) –Blue Gene Babel (LLNL-lead) Ccaffeine (SNL-lead) Tutorial (?) Toolkit (?) Set up Helpdesk (LLNL-lead) – –14 submissions 6 “fixed” –meaning resolved 3 tests 5 unresolved Documentation –CCA Specification (LLNL-lead) To “encourage” shared staffing of the helpdesk, statistics about time-to-resolution, participating institutions, etc. will be published at CCA meetings.

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting85 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Enhancements: Tom Institutions: LLNL, BU, UU, SNL, ORNL CCA Services –CommandLineService (???) –MPIService (SNL-lead) –EventService (UU-lead) Steve will speak more on this today –GuiBuilderService (ANL-lead) Inter-framework Prototypes –CCA-Kepler (UU-lead) –XCAT-BabelRMI (BU-lead) Services are “MUST-HAVE” for CCA Spec 1.0 Ben was right in Indiana: We should start discussing 1.0 Release Criteria (like LLNL did with Babel). Do we want a more formal specification process?

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting95 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Usability: Craig Institutions: LANL, SNL, ANL, ORNL, Tech-X, PNNL, LLNL Draft CCA-Lite Spec & Fwk (LANL-lead) Component Test Harness (ORNL or Tech-X) Document Multilanguage & Component Debugging Techniques (SNL or ANL)

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting10CCA Forum Autumn Meeting5 October October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Toolkit News Rob Armstrong Toolkit Tut Sandia National Labs Livermore, CA

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting115 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Telecon: time to stop talking about the CCA Base Install Build System and just do it. Need a scalable, pluggable build system and install base. Decisions have been made: –Components built against a consistent set of CCA Tools (i.e. Sumo). –where components and their dependencies are mixed and matched. –Components can be added and removed without breaking the build –Individual component code remains separate and individually modifiable in the build tree. –Wael, Boyana, Ben will talk about this later.

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting125 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Nightly build and testing CCA Tools (i.e. Sumo) and Base Install must have automatic testing, nightly build style –Check out CCA Tools from their repositories and build them, test them, automatically. –Many political questions: Should Toolkit components be tested nightly as well? Do you trust Rob with your repository? Repository tagging for “blessed” Toolkit distro's? –Rob (yours truly) will talk about this later.

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting135 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Timetable There are many components that are claimed to be “ready to go” –A consistent approach is all that is lacking. By next meeting we should have a pretty deployable system (?) Front-loading some time on this will leverage the much larger number of component developers sooner rather than later...

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting14CCA Forum Autumn Meeting5 October October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture User and Applications Outreach and Support David E. Bernholdt Focus Lead

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting155 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Applications Activities ANL –Doug Dechow Beam Dynamics (DOE SBIR) discussions –FACETS (fusion SciDAC2) participants; use of coupling and TOPS solver components –Accelerator Physics SciDAC2 proposal development Indiana, ORNL –SWIM (fusion SciDAC1) participants LLNL –PSI LDRD (MPMD multiscale materials science) project ran large production runs using Babel RMI intensively (680 nodes x 2 CPUs/node x ~48 hours) ORNL –GNEP integrated reactor simulation prototype (ORNL LDRD) PNNL –Updating NWChem MCMD to latest CCA tools Tech-X –various fusion projects UMD –Space weather modeling (NSF) participant –Klasky/Parashar CPES (fusion SciDAC1) discussions

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting165 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture User Support ANL –Doug Dechow –Jim Jones (Masha Sosonkina student) SNL –various help desk responses Tech-X –Tech-X internal users

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting175 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Outreach ACTS tutorial –Ben Allan contact with European group interested in componentizing MODFLOW 2000 (groundwater) WoCo9: Grid-based Problem Solving Environments: Implications for the Development and Deployment of Numerical Software –Boyana Norris et al. talk & paper “Computational Quality of Service for Scientific Component Applications” 13th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC '06) –J.W. Larson, talk & paper "Organising Principles for Coupling in Multiphysics and Multiscale Models“ –J.W. Larson, et al. talk & paper "PyMCT and PyCPL: Refactoring the Community Climate System Model Using Python” MODEST-7c: Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Software Frameworks (in MODEST and Elsewhere) –David Bernholdt, talk “The Common Component Architecture: Building Frameworks for Computational Science” –NSF/Physics and the Information Frontier proposal with Bernholdt and Sussman as collaborators

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting185 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Outreach –N. Wang, an invited talk at GPCE4QoS workshop “Applying GPCE in Distributed and Parallel High-Performance Scientific Computing” –Tech-X APS/DPP November “Framework for Modernization and Componentization of Fusion Modules" –SC06 Binghamton paper "Benchmarking XML Processors for Applications in Grid Web Services“ Global Array tutorial Scientific Data Management tutorial CompFrame BOF –IBM Scientific computer users group (ScicomP 2007) will be held at the Max Plank Institute in Garching (near Munich) July 2007 –Tutorial revamp – upgrade and migration Applications –PNNL groundwater SAP ramping up –ANL climate SAP ramping up Near-Term Plans

CCA Forum Autumn Meeting195 October 2006 CCA Common Component Architecture Hall of Shame Indiana Rob Armstrong