What Could “Systemic Social Work” Mean in a Finnish Context? Katarina Fagerstrom Universityteacher/doctoral student at the University of Helsinki Presentation i Hackney, London september 2012
Criteria for Social Work education: Master’s university degree in Social Work required for qualified social workers The knowledge base in the education has been in Social Policy, now Social work is an own discipline in the Finnish universities Young scientific field University of Helsinki: Emphasis on Practice Research
Systemic = Family therapy? Tradition in Case work and counselling (1970ies) Psychiatric research and practice (1970ies and 1980ies) Family- and Network therapy Methods, a movement… Risk of psychologizing problems in sociey?
Family Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy Educated by private institutes Family therapy “Mainstream” psychotherapy Social workers can become family therapists Family therapy considered as psychotherapy The responsibility of Psychotherapy training evaluation is moving to the Universities (Psychology and Medicine)
Theoretical discussion: Postmodern (Lyotard 1979) Post-traditional (Habermas 1984) Reflexive or late-modern (Beck, Giddens & Lash 1994) => Globalisation, individualisation, digitalisation, enviromental consequences, full employment crisis..etc.
Dominant discourses in Social work (Karen Healy 2005) Neo-liberalism Medicalisation Evidence based practice Law and byrochratic prosedures Psychologisation => New public management…
Modern theories: Systems theory (Bateson & MRI, Bartalaffy, Varela…) Modern Practise: MRI, Milano school… Post-Modern theories: Gender, etnicity, class… Wittgenstein – language games, Foucalt – the issue of power Bahtin, dialogue…
Modern project: From linear to systemic reasoning - “The map is not the territory” Lingustic turn: “The map is the territory” Practice turn?
This presentation was held on a conference of the project „STEP“. The project „STEP“ has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.