UT-TBR Universal Transfer Pathways July 19, 2011 Aquinas College 1
The Day – No Formal Agenda Introductions Background concerning the UT-TBR process Discussion of UT-TBR process Discussion of TICUA sector response Next steps 2
Background… Complete College Tennessee Act 2010: Tennessee General Assembly passed legislation that requires the two state systems of higher education, The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and the University of Tennessee (UT), to develop seamless transfer pathways that permit community college students to complete curricula in associate’s degree programs that lead directly to majors in all public universities effective fall
To Date Over 480 UT-TBR faculty participated in the development of the UTPs Dr. Claude Pressnell (TICUA President) observed some of these meetings and found the process to be rigorous and credible Forty-nine distinct transfer pathways have been established across thirty disciplines. Several of the disciplines have multiple pathways to allow for the completion of the A.A. or the A.S. 4
Universal Transfer Pathways or UTPs UTPs are advising tools designed to help community college students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university to complete their baccalaureate degree Tennessee Code Annotated -- By law, must be in place by fall
How Do UTPs Work? A student completing all the courses listed on a particular UTP will earn the A.A. or A.S. degree at the community college (CC) When the student transfers to a TN public university (s)he is guaranteed: all the CC courses taken will be accepted count toward completion of the particular major junior status all courses transfer as “equivalents” on-track to graduate with 120 hours unless major requires additional hours If a CC student transfers to another TN CC before completing a degree, (s)he is guaranteed that all courses transfer 6
UT/TBR Faculty Task Force Categories Less Discussion Accounting Biology Chemistry English Foreign Language History Math Physics Political Sciences Sociology 7
UT/TBR Faculty Task Force Categories Discussion Agriculture – agricultural business Agriculture – animal science Agriculture – plant and soil science Art (Studio) Business Administration Exercise Science Geography Discussion Information Systems Kinesiology Pre-Heath Professions Pre-Nursing Pre-Occupational Therapy Pre-Physical Therapy Speech Communication Theatre Arts 8
UT/TBR Faculty Task Force Categories More Discussion Civil Engineering Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Electrical Engineering Mass Communication Mechanical Engineering Psychology Social Work 9
UT/TBR Faculty Task Force Categories Not yet approved A.F.A. – Music – pathway done, but not approved for A.F.A. from THEC, may be add Fall 2012 Note: A.F.A. - Fine Arts – the degree has not been approved by THEC; no current discussion about a pathway Discussion about possibly creating an A.F.A. in Art (Studio) and Theatre Arts 10
Common Website TBR-UT are developing a common website that contains the curriculum of each approved pathway and all relevant information concerning transfer procedures for the use by students, families, and campus advisors. Web Address: TBA Fall 2011
Other Information of Interest No substitutions allowed – student must complete Pathway as prescribed CC students who transfer to TN public universities under specific program agreements in place prior to fall 2011 will have 5 years to complete degree programs as prescribed in the particular agreements – students must complete degree requirements by December 2016 TICUA articulation agreements currently in place are not replaced by UTPs – however current thought indicates that TICUA articulation agreements will become null and void very soon 12
The Beginning… 13
Basic Assumptions TICUA will facilitate the process By your attendance your institution has agreed to be “involved” For today’s purposes “involved” means that your institution would like to explore a TICUA sector-wide transfer articulation agreement 14
Therefore, we are assuming that your institution is a participating member in the official TICUA sector- wide Transfer Articulation Agreement or otherwise known as TICUA Hardy Agreement of Transfer… …Whatever THAT is 15
Questions to Consider What are the benefits and barriers to an institution’s involvement? Who at your institution needs to be involved? How will you go about pulling these folks together? 16
How do TICUA member institutions go about reviewing the UTPs for sector fit? Which UTPs can the institutions accept? May not subtract from a UTP May add to the UTP Mission driven UT/TBR Categories Less Discussion Discussion More Discussion 17
What does a sector-wide agreement look like? Individual institutional UTPs for all pathways Some institutions adopt some UTPs All institutions adopt all UTPs What role do late entrants play? Joining Assessment Influence in decision-making How will institutions treat the UTP if the student transfers prior to completing the associate’s degree? 18
TBR’s community colleges will be seeking specific course feedback for improvement What mechanisms should TICUA and/or member institutions put in place to provide said feedback? Feedback would need to be as specific as the solutions sought. Vague feedback gets no results. 19
What is the approach to data collection and use of said data? Current TICUA process What data should be collected, if any? If data collected how should it be used? What processes or decisions should be informed by the data? What processes or decisions should the data drive? How often and by what process should the adopted UTPs be reviewed? 20
What is the timeline? Launch Date(s) Completion of Work Date(s) Should we consider a phased approach? Phase 1: Complete early Fall 2011 Launch Spring 2012 Phase 2:Complete Spring 2012 Launch Fall 2012 Phase 3:Complete Spring 2013 Launch Fall
How should the TICUA Transfer Articulation Agreement be Rolled Out? How does this connect to the UT-TBR website? Should there be a separate TICUA member institution website? What is the connection to the individual institution’s website? How is this product communicated to key constituents? Students Parents Advisors 22
What else…. 23
Next Steps Next meeting September 26-28, 2011 or October 3-6, 2011 Location – middle TN volunteer needed Agenda Sharing of your institution’s responses to questions posed today Expectation that attendance represents your institution’s intent to continue to participate in the conversation…whatever that is! 24
Thank you for hosting the first meeting of the TICUA Transfer Articulation Working Group! Sister Mary Sarah Galbraith-President Sister Elizabeth Anne-VP for Academic Affairs Kari Byard-Academic Affairs Aquinas College 25