Copyright © 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture. State of Kansas – SMART Agency Configuration Workshop Voucher Approval Workflow
Overview of Accounts Payable Workflow Roles and Responsibilities Approval Process Breakout Session Questions Next Workflow Session Meeting Agenda 2
3 Team Introduction Accounts Payable Team Jo Ann Remp – State Lead Kristie Herrick – State Team Yvonne Rodriguez – State Team Candy Spacek – State Team Debbie McMillan – State Team Shawn Miller – Accenture Lead Matt Cole– Accenture Team
4 Objectives Understand the workflow for agency voucher approval. To be able to decide what approver roles your agency will need in SMART. Who in your agency will be in these approver roles.
Overview SMART comes with standard mechanisms for voucher approval. Voucher approval is defined for amounts and for individual fields within a transaction. Based on the selected approval rules, the SMART approval process will route the transaction to the configured approver(s). The voucher will be processed for payment only when all agency and Department of Administration, Accounts and Reports approvals are complete. 5
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow 6
Roles dictate what a user can see, the screens they can navigate to and the actions that can be performed on those pages. Approval Roles – The approval role as defined in SMART for the approval levels. These approval roles are defined in the Appendix for each step level in the Voucher workflow. Agency - AP Processor This is the person within the agency that has authority to enter vouchers. Agency-AP Approver Set A This first approval level is a pooled step as defined by role configuration and custom page. Does not have final approval authority. Roles and Responsibilities 7
Roles and Responsibilities (cont) Agency – AP Approver Set B This second approval level is a pooled step as defined by role configuration and custom page. Does not have final approval authority. Agency – AP Approver Fiscal Office This third approval level is a pooled step as defined by role configuration. Will be final authority on payments of less than $5,000. Agency – AP Approver A&R This fourth approval level is a pooled step as defined by role configuration. Will be the final authority on payments of $5,000 or more. 8
SMART routes vouchers for user approval via the worklist. As users select vouchers from their worklists, voucher information is displayed. If the approver has final approval authority then the voucher is qualified for payment. If not, then the voucher is routed to the next approval step. Agency Approval Process 9
Virtual Approver Virtual Approver submits the voucher. Virtual Approver is an automated process that watches for vouchers that require approval. The voucher processor does not press a submit button to send the voucher to the workflow process. When an eligible voucher is found, Virtual Approver routes the voucher to the appropriate worklist for approval. 10
Voucher Origin 11 Origin will control your voucher workflow routing. Each voucher entered into SMART must have a valid origin as defined by Accounts and Reports. Each voucher processor userid is associated with only one origin.
Voucher Origin Approval 12 Table and page to store the origin codes for an agency and userids that are eligible to approve vouchers with the specified origin code. This table will be populated initially from the Role Mapping Exercise by the project team. After implementation, this will be an agency-maintained table.
Voucher Origin Approval 13 Table and page to store the origin codes for an agency and userids that are eligible to approve vouchers with the specified origin code. This table will be populated initially from the Role Mapping Exercise by the project team. After implementation, this will be an agency-maintained table. Table and page will include Business Unit to identify the agency using the origin code.
Voucher Origin Approval 14 Table and page to store the origin codes for an agency and userids that are eligible to approve vouchers with the specified origin code. This table will be populated initially from the Role Mapping Exercise by the project team. After implementation, this will be an agency-maintained table. Table and page will include Business Unit to identify the agency using the origin code. The Voucher Origin Approval Page and the Security Role have to be set up separately. A user can be set up on the Voucher Origin Approval Page but they must also be set up with the Approval Role that corresponds with the origin.
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow Pre Workflow Process 15
The Voucher Processor enters the voucher The voucher is Matched and Budget Checked 1.Matching – An automated process within SMART to compare vouchers with purchase orders and receiving documents. 2.Budget Check – An automated process within SMART that ensures budget is available for the requested goods or services Pre Workflow Process 16
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow Step 1 17
Agency Approvals Workflow Step 1 Pooled user group, agency voucher approvers (Set A). 1.This voucher approver role (Set A) does not have final approval authority. 2.If additional approvals are required, the original approver will need to adhoc the approval request to the appropriate person. The adhoc approver must have the approval role associated with Set A. 3.The voucher is approved by only one approver in the pool. When approved, the voucher is removed from the other approver’s worklist. Agency Approval Process 18
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow Step 2 19
Agency Approval Process Step 2 20 Agency Approvals Workflow Step 2 Pooled user group, agency voucher approvers (Set B). 1.This voucher approver role (Set B) does not have final approval authority. 2.If additional approvals are required, the original approver will need to adhoc the approval request to the appropriate person. The adhoc approver must have the approval role associated with Set B. 3.The voucher is approved by only one approver in the pool. When approved, the voucher is removed from the other approver’s worklist.
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow Step 3 21
Agency Approvals Workflow Step 3 Pooled user group, agency voucher approvers from Agency Fiscal Office. 1.This voucher approver role (Agency Fiscal Office) does have final approval authority for less than $5, There is not an adhoc feature for Agency Fiscal Office. 3.The voucher is approved by only one approver in the pool. When approved, the voucher is removed from the other approver’s worklist. 22 Agency Approval Process Step 3
Accounts Payable Voucher Workflow Step 4 23
A&R Approval Process Step 4 A&R Approval is a pooled step as defined by role configuration. 1.This voucher approver role (A&R) has final approval over all vouchers. 2.The voucher is approved by only one approver in the pool. When approved, the voucher is removed from the other approver’s worklist. 24 Agency Approval Process Step 4
Workflow Examples 25
Workflow Examples (cont.) Examples of how SMART would accommodate 3 different agencies in their setup of workflow for their agencies. Depending how simple or complex your agency would want your approval process to be. Example #1 1. In this example, two or more individuals with approval authority for SET A and SET B. Different employees for each set. 2. FISCAL OFFICE – different from the employees given in SET A and SET B approval authority 3. A&R – may be as many employees as A&R has listed in their pooled step. Example #2 1. In this example, one individual with approval authority for SET A and SET B. Can be the same employee for each set 2. FISCAL OFFICE – different from the employee given SET A and SET B approval authority 3. A&R – may be as many employees as A&R has listed in their pooled step. Example #3 1. In this example, two or more individuals with approval authority for SET A and SET B for a region within a state agency. Employees can be the same in SET A and SET B or they can be different for each set. 2. FISCAL OFFICE – must be different from the employees given in SET A and SET B approval authority but are the same for all regions. 3. A&R – may be as many employees as A&R has listed in their pooled step. 26
Workflow Process Activity Work in groups to discuss possible designs for your agency workflow. Keep in mind the objectives while forming your design: To be able to decide what approver roles your agency will need in SMART. Who in your agency will be in these approver roles. 27
Share Designs Choose a member of your group to share your design with the rest of the workshop attendees. 28
Questions 29
Next Session Your next session will begin in 15 minutes. Sessions available are: General Ledger Purchasing Travel Expenses Approval Workflow 30
Appendix Voucher Security Roles Workflow StepSecurity Role W/F Step 1Agency AP Approver Set A W/F Step 2Agency AP Approver Set B W/F Step 3Agency AP Approver Fiscal Office W/F Step 4Agency AP Approver A&R (A&R Only) 31