February 20, 2002 Digital Television Transition FCC Speaks 2002 The Path to Digital Broadband Migration FCC DTV Task Force
Digital TV Transition
DTV Task Force zStructure yEstablished October 2001 yCross-bureau, cross-disciplinary team zFunctions yHelp coordinate and prioritize FCC proceedings yFacilitate progress among parties on key issues ySingle point of contact
Digital Television Service 256 DTV Stations Now Operating DTV Now Available in Markets Including 76% of U.S. households
Build-out Deadlines and Authorization of Service zAffiliates of ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX May 1, 1999 for Markets of 40 stations now operating November 1, 1999 for Markets of 79 stations now operating zAll remaining commercial TV stations May 1, stations now operating zAll noncommercial TV stations May 1, stations now operating
1462 TV Stations Granted an Initial DTV Authorization (87% of DTV Allotted Stations)
Remaining Initial DTV Applications zMutually exclusive “area expansion” facilities zCoordination with Canada or Mexico zUnresolved interference issues zRelated channel change proceedings
Recent Policy Changes in Periodic Review Proceeding zPermitted graduated approach to DTV service with smaller less expensive stations and later service area expansion zDeferred to next periodic review setting of new dates for post-transition channel election and elimination of protection for unserved portion of service area
Recent Policy Changes in Periodic Review Proceeding zStations may operate under STA smaller than allotted or authorized facilities yMeets buildout requirement yAutomatically extends construction permit zNow recognize financial hardship as basis for extension of buildout requirements
Decision Facing Stations With May 1, 2002 Buildout 1.Build and operate station per construction permit OR 2.File request for special temporary authority to operate station at variance from construction permit OR 3.File FCC Form 337 requesting extension of buildout requirement - paper or electronic filing. If paper, courtesy copy can be e- mailed to Video Services Division at
DTV STA zRequest consists of letter and Form 301 Tech Box zLetter authorization for a maximum 6 month period that can be extended zCoverage area of STA facilities must be subsumed by that of construction permit or allotted facilities zService areas based on DTV Allotment Table and construction permit continue to be protected during reduced facility operation
Reasons for Extensions zTechnical, e.g. equipment delays, unavailability of work crews or tower safety issues zLegal - Delays in obtaining government clearance; e.g., zoning litigation, FAA, pending DTV applications or channel change rulemakings zOther - Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters zFinancial
Finance Based Extensions zDemonstrate that buildout of minimum DTV facility (STA option) is not feasible zProvide detailed description of financial inability to timely construct: yitemized estimates of costs of meeting minimum buildout requirements (service contour over community of license) ydetailed statement exploring why financial condition precludes such an expenditure
Finance Based Extensions yShowing reflecting the particular station’s financial status over an economically significant period of time yAll efforts to meet the deadline, including good faith efforts to obtain the requisite financing, and an explanation why those efforts were unsuccessful
Channel Band Clearing zSpectrum recovery - a goal of DTV proceeding zBand clearing is voluntary zTwo-way and three-way agreements zDifferences in channel and channel band clearing policies
Channel Band Clearing zRebuttable public interest presumption-based on demonstration of ycertain public interest benefits; e.g., provision of advanced wireless service and yavoidance of loss of certain broadcast service; e.g., that of four stations in market with largest audience share zExtended DTV buildout for stations with single channel yend of 2005 or beyond if less than 70% DTV penetration level
Channel Band Clearing zCase-by-case public interest determination of band clearing agreements, including impact on DTV transition zAgreements do not extend DTV buildout requirements zStations left with a single channel must build DTV
Interference Protection zExisting interference standards apply to facilities modifications related to band clearing yNTSC-to-NTSC: minimum distance separations yNTSC-to-DTV: 0.5% population reduction yDTV-to-NTSC: 2%/10% population reduction yDTV-to-DTV: 2%/10% population reduction
Need Rules for Digital Low Power Operations TV Translators TV Boosters LPTV Stations
Translators & Booster Service NTSC Grade B Contour DTV Service Contour
Key Regulatory Issues for Digital Low Power Rule Making zInterference Protection Standards zPermissible Operations zTransmission Standards zApplication Filing Procedures 47 CFR Part 74
Facilitate Industry Cooperation zHoedowns zCopy Protection zCable Compatibility
Carriage of Broadcast Programming Over Cable Systems zPetitions for Reconsideration zIssues from the Further Notice
Digital TV Transition