One Republic—Two Americas? Chapter One One Republic—Two Americas?
Learning Outcomes Define the institution of government and the process of politics. Identify the political philosophers associated with the “social contract” and explain how this theory shapes our understanding of the purpose of government and the role for individuals and communities in the U.S. Describe the U.S. political culture, and identify the set of ideas, values, and ways of thinking about government and politics shared by all.
Learning Outcomes Compare and contrast types of government systems, and identify the source of power in each. Define political ideology, and locate socialism, liberalism, conservatism, and libertarianism along the ideological spectrum.
Politics and Government Politics: process of resolving conflicts and deciding who gets what, when and how Selection of decision-makers Structure of institutions Creation of public policy Government: formal institutions which allocate resources and resolve conflicts
Politics and Government Why is government necessary? Provide security Protect liberty and rights Maintain authority/legitimacy President Gerald Ford served 1974-1976. (Dick Halstead/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images) “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” President Gerald Ford
Politics and Government Fundamental values Political culture (ideas, values, ways of thinking) Shared by all Americans? Result of political socialization Liberty Order and rule of law Individualism Equality Property
Confidence in Institutions Declines Figure 1-1: Gallup polling shows a loss in faith in institutions in the past 10 years, including steep declines regarding Congress, bank, and the presidency. (Source: Gallup) Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning
Why Choose Democracy? Governments vary in structure and how they govern Totalitarian Authoritarianism Aristocracy Oligarchy Democracy Political authority comes from citizens Anarchy
Why Choose Democracy? Direct democracy as a model Political decisions made by the people directly, not elected representatives Attained most easily in small communities Initiative/referendum/recall Founders had reservations
Why Choose Democracy? A democratic republic Framers crafted a republic Experimental Power (votes) resides with the people Representatives make policy and law Representative democracy
Why Choose Democracy? Principles of democratic government Universal suffrage Majority rule and minority rights Free elections Limited government
Who Really Rules in America? Majoritarianism: government ought to do what majority desire Elitism: society ruled by small group wishing to further self-interests Pluralism: conflict among interest groups Bargaining Compromise
Political Ideologies Political ideology is closely linked set of beliefs about politics Share societal goals and plan for achieving them American politics focuses on conservatism and liberalism
Political Ideologies The traditional political spectrum Compares ideologies on continuum based on: Government influence over economy Goals of government activity Far left = socialism Far right = libertarianism Middle = liberal and conservative
The Traditional Political Spectrum Table 1-1
Political Ideologies Conservatism Liberalism Favor limited government economic involvement Often favor government involvement in social issues to preserve traditional values Liberalism Favor government regulation of economy to benefit society Tolerance for social change Support for civil rights
Political Ideologies Socialism Libertarianism Strong support for economic and social equality Income redistribution Libertarianism Skepticism toward government Laissez-faire capitalism Oppose regulation of personal behavior
Political Ideologies Liberal once meant limited government and no religion in politics Classical liberals Evolved into modern American meaning along with political evolution of Democratic Party Meaning of liberal has not changed outside the U.S. and Canada
Political Ideologies Conservatives traditionally supported maintaining traditions and opposing change Today: Economic conservatives Social conservatives Not necessarily politically united
Political Ideologies Libertarians: extreme positions of both conservatives and liberals Limited government power over economy Complete freedom in social matters Ron Paul, a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, is very popular among college students because of his libertarian positions emphasizing personal freedom. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning
The Challenge of Change Demographic change in a democratic republic Aging of citizens Increased diversity Decline in economic dominance Globalization Technology Environmental change Figure 1-2 (Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census)
Distribution of U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, 1980-2075 Figure 1-3 Data for 2025, 2050, and 2075 are projections. *Persons of Hispanic origin can be of any race. †The “multiracial or other” category in 2000 is not an official census category but represents all non-Hispanics who chose either “some other race” or two or more races in the 2000 census. (Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.)
The Challenge of Change Ethnic change Latino voters tend to vote Democratic Multiracial, multiethnic group interests End of white dominance in political leadership? Globalization Employment patterns Product quality/safety standards No single national economic dominance
The Challenge of Change The technology revolution Affects communication, work and education Eliminates boundaries More people can compete, connect, collaborate
Social Networking Usage Figure 1-4 Social networking today is a global phenomenon. Young people, in particular, are using the Internet for social networking. Figure 1–4 presents three important pieces of information. First, the bar for each country tells you what percentage of those using the Internet are using it for social networking and what percentage are not. For example, in the United States, 82 percent of the public use the Internet, but only 46 percent use it for social networking. The column on the far right gives the percentage of the public that does not use or have access to the Internet or e-mail. *Respondents who do not use the internet or email. Based on total sample. “Don’t know/Refused” not shown. Samples in China, India and Pakistan are disproportionately urban. (Pew Research Center)
The Challenge of Change Environmental change Political, technological and global challenges Global warming (more natural disasters, drought, starvation) What do changes mean for you? Can our government recognize and meet challenges in time? Can we continue to embrace a single political culture?