Introduction to Humanities Computing Spring 1999 Lecture Three
Introduction to Humanities Computing François Lachance (o) TSH 205 (drop off)
Acronym Acrobatics F ASCII chunk F HTTP/HTML pair F WIMP/GUI question F PCMCIA invent
Pointers F Address your notes F Sign your notes F Give context F Quoting other notes Don’t quote too much F Use carriage returns F Reread before sending Francois You asked: > Have you done your > homework? :-) Yes, I have. John Dogood
F System Unit Motherboard FCPU (Central Processing Unit) FRAM Hard Drive and Floppy Drive Power Supply Daughterboards F Keyboard F Monitor F Peripherals Parts of the Computer
Review - Types of Storage Storage Permanent Temporary ROM Removable Fixed Hard Drive Floppy CD-ROM RAM Magneto-Optical Storage typically measured in K (Kilobytes) or MB (Megabytes)
Letters to bytes via bits “A” 1 Byte Floppy Disk CD-ROM Laser (8 Bits)
Brief History of Computing F Types of Histories F Babbage and Lovelace F ENIAC F Altair F Apple F IBM PC
Types of Histories F Mathematics F Calculating Machines F Business Processes F Electronics - Transistors F Media (Art and Cinema) F People and Companies F Humanities Computing al-Kharazmi Alan Turing Business
Babbage and Lovelace F Charles Babbage ( ) F Difference Engine F 1834 Analytical Engine Programmable (Cards) Mechanical F Ada Lovelace
Babbage and Lovelace Bruce Sterling & William Gibson The Difference Engine Sadie Plant Zeros + Ones
ENIAC F Mauchly and Eckert proposal to Army F ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) working in 1945 (after the war) F von Neumann - EDVAC F Transistor invented in 1947 F ICs - Integrated Circuits Printer
ENIAC Pictures Programming with switches Engineers The initiating and cycling units of ENIAC
Altair - the Microcomputer F Intel 4004 Microprocessor 1969 F MITS - Altair F Uses the Intel 8080 F Cover of Popular Electronics Jan F MITS hires Allen (and Gates) F 1973 Kildall creates CP/M
Apple F Steve Wozniak (the Woz) F Steven Jobs F Homebrew Computer Club F Apple I - MOS 6502 chip F 1976 Mike Markkula bought in F 1977 the Apple II F 1984 the Macintosh
IBM PC F Built on the Intel 8088 F Operating System from Microsoft (and others) F Put together with existing components F Open to cards and software F Released in 1981 An IBM Clone
Key Innovations F Calculating device F General Purpose Device - Programmability F Digital Device F Electrical Device F Integrated Circuits - Transistors F Interface from Commands to GUI F Multiuser/Shared Computer to Personal Computer
Histories F Computer Journalism F The Media’s Fascination F Science Fiction F Computer Clubs F Academic Computing Humanist discussion list
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