What You Need to Know About Tenure and Promotion BEFORE Applying for a Job Henry (Rique) Campa, III, Ph.D. Assistant Dean, The Graduate School and Professor of Wildlife Ecology 517/ What you need to know about tenure and promotion? *Describe and understand the tenure and promotion process -at all levelscollege, department (mentoring) *Know the expectations of the institution for T/P -at all levelscollege, department? *Reflect --What do you like to do & can you document your scholarship and impacts?
Describe and understand the tenure and promotion process -at all levelscollege, department (mentoring) *Assistant Professor (Some initial review period3 years?) Reappoint for a second period (or lose your job) Apply for Tenure and Promotion --Promoted to Associate Professor w/ tenure or --Promoted to Associate Professor w/o tenure or --Lose your job *Associate Professor --National reputation? External letters of support *Professor --International reputation? External letters of support
? Will you be tenured to the department or to the university? ?What materials will be reviewed for my T/P? ?Who will review these materials? ?What will be expected of me for T/P? University/College T/P Guidelines Questions You Need to Investigate
*Know the expectations of the institution for T/P -at all levelscollege, department? BEFORE applying (or certainly before accepting a position) -Interpret the job ad Academic year or Annual year? What is the research assignmentare %s given? e.g., 30% research, 60% teaching, 10% service Is it a tenure-track position or fixed term? Responsibilities? -Look for T/P process description, forms, etc. Review the expectations-e.g., MSUs Form D -Ask the Search Committee Chair or research e.g., mentoring committees, sample forms/documents, expectations across the assignment, how will you be evaluated across your assignment
?Can you document and describe your impacts across your assignment? Employers will have high expectations for any Ph.D. –agencies, industry, NGOs, academic institutions Reflection and Homework Assignment
*Reflect --What do you like to do & can you document your scholarship? --List 3 things that you are passionate about professionally --List 3 things that you are passionate about personally
--Make sure you are applying for a position/accepting a position at an institution that will allow you to do both! research intensive university? community college? comprehensive university? liberal arts college? --Look at your CVwhat makes you attractive to get hired, will hopefully also make you attractive for T/P. -teaching, independent and collaborative research, mentoring undergrads., publishing (discipline, teaching and learning?), service (professional societies, community work)? --Start early toward T/PTODAYdevelop a track record that you can meet the expectations for T/P *Reflect --What do you like to do & can you document your scholarship and impacts?