What to fit When? How to Choose the Right Product without Getting Dizzy!?! Laura Griffith, Au.D., Customer Trainer (CO, AZ, NM, UT, WY) Andrea Gerlach, Au.D., Customer Trainer (TX, LA, OK)
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Too much info frustrating?
So…..What do you want to fit? Multiple manufacturers Multiple hearing aid options Multiple accessories You’re the professional. It’s your job to make the appropriate recommendation. How can you if you’re confused?
What to fit? There are several things factors to take into consideration when choosing a hearing aid. –Patient considerations: Audiological Needs Previous Instrument History Cost Ease of Use/Control Accessory options needed Lifestyle needs Cosmetics *These are just general things to consider. Remember each patient is unique and you must find out their specific needs by asking questions.
What to fit? There are several things to take into consideration when choosing a hearing aid. –Hearing Aid Considerations: Gain/MPO Programming flexibility Program options Level of technology/Features Control Accessory options available *Again this is just to name a few. It’s your job to figure out what will work best for your patient.
What to fit? Let’s start with patient considerations
What to Fit? Let’s start by looking at all the different hearing aid styles. –CIC –ITC –½ shell –Full shell –Mini-BTE –BTE –Receiver-in-the-canal BTE There are benefits and limitations to all hearing aid styles.
What to fit? What style is best for your patient? Take into consideration: –Patient preference. –Best audiological choice –Ease of use/Controls on aid By asking questions at the beginning by the time you get to selection you should know what the patient wants. Don’t make things complicated. Recommend what works audiological and meets their personal needs.
What to fit? When choosing style it’s also important at this time to take into consideration previous instrument history. –Do they like their current hearing aid style? –Why or Why not? –Keep patient questions focused on style/fit issues. Remember it is not always necessary to change a patient to a different style hearing aid to receive benefit. While open fit BTE’s are very popular they are not always the best option for everyone.
What to fit? Patient Lifestyle needs Start asking questions at beginning of appointment to identify issues patient is encountering on a daily basis. Very important for recommendation of technology level to understand what environments the patient encounters on a daily basis. BE SURE TO ASK OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS!
What to fit? Patient Lifestyle Needs For previous hearing aid users ask questions about current set of aids. –How have they worked for you? –What situations would you like to do better in?
What to fit? Ease of Use/Control Ask questions to find out what options they might need/want. Would you prefer the ability to change your hearing aids or something that works automatically? –VC, program button, etc. Remember previous user may prefer to have something similar to their current hearing aids
What to fit? Accessory options FM, Bluetooth, loop system? If patient reports issues with television, phone, background noise keep in mind you might want to start or add accessories.
What to fit? Let’s move on to hearing aid considerations
What to fit? Audiological Needs Gain/MPO Hearing aid software provides you with gain/MPO parameters of the hearing aid. Also typically provides fitting range of hearing aid
What to fit?
Level of Technology/Features This will relate back to the patient consideration of lifestyle needs.
What to fit?
SoundFlow Standard digital AudioZoom WhistleBlock Technology NoiseBlock (6 channels) QuickSync SoundFlow Advanced VoiceZoom (12 channels) WhistleBlock Technology NoiseBlock (16 channels) QuickSync WindBlock Management Real Ear Sound SoundFlow Premium VoiceZoom (33 channels) WhistleBlock Technology NoiseBlock (20 channels) QuickSync WindBlock Management Real Ear Sound SoundRecover SoundRelax DuoPhone ZoomControl (DirectTouch) EchoBlock System Exélia Art CerténaVersáta CORE Portfolio
What to fit? As a professional it’s important to understand how hearing aid features relate to patient benefit for the situations they describe. VoiceZoom (Multichannel directional) Benefit to patient is ability for aid to block out multiple noises. Windblock Benefit to patient is better comfort and hearing in outdoor environments
What to fit? Patient ConsiderationsHearing Aid Considerations Perfect Hearing Aid
What to fit? Let’s put this into action!!!!!! Case Studies
Case #1 57 year old business man No previous hearing aid experience Concerned about cosmetics Lots of difficulties on his cell phone Does not want to think about his hearing aids Very busy and in multiple listening situations
Case #1
Recommendations: Style options Lifestyle needs Ease of Use/Control Accessory Options Audiological Needs Technology/Features
Case #2 78 year old female. Previous ITE user. Aid had VC control Struggles with television Current aids are not loud enough without feedback. Mostly at home and only group settings are with her family.
Case #2
Recommendations: Style options Lifestyle needs Ease of Use/Control Accessory Options Audiological Needs Technology/Features
Conclusions Picking the right hearing aid for a patient can be challenging with all the options available. To find the right aid you must: –Take into consideration the patient needs/wants –Hearing aid option consideration When you recommend and hearing aid to a patient be sure you relate why you are choosing this option. Relate back to them the needs they expressed and why what you recommend is the best option.