Distributed Model - Description Core 20 Research Universities 75% are among top 100 PhD producers 50% are AAU Supporting PUI faculty (PUI institutions?) Participating (Inter) National future faculty from any institution
Distributed Model - Description Campus 1Campus 2 Low Dosage Medium High Medium High Low Dosage CIRTL Scholars CIRTL Practitioners CIRTL Fellows Outcomes Cross-Network STEMES CIRTL Exchange Program Multiple Courses TAR Collaborations Courses and ? CIRTL Casts
Distributed Model - Description PARTICIPANTS (annual) 20 x 20 students >= 400 (current 15+ hours/semester) 20 x 15 stdnts = 300 (capacity based on in-kind) N as available from above U R1 future faculty PUI instructors
Distributed Model – Network Management Board of Directors (Graduate Dean or reps, grad stdnt) (Executive Committee) Board of Directors (Graduate Dean or reps, grad stdnt) (Executive Committee) Executive Director CIRTL Central COOs (Network Institutional Leaders) COOs (Network Institutional Leaders) Operations Committees (Cross-Network Programs) Operations Committees (Cross-Network Programs) Operations Committees (Evaluation) Operations Committees (Evaluation) Graduate Student Board NB: Leadership roles and funding could flow to current Network institutions through Ops Comms Operations Committees (National Presence) Operations Committees (National Presence)
Assumptions Need $400K/yr for central operations - 3 FTE plus cross-Network operating costs Cross-Network activities increase from current, perhaps scaling by institution Institutions have four years to institutionalize The cost challenge is not the Network, it is start-up for the local CIRTL learning communities Distributed Model – Business Plan
Revenue Streams 15 universities x 4 years x $100K/yr => $6M => $7.5M NSF TUES grnt 20 universities x $20K/yr => $400K/yr for core operations In-Kind Streams 20 universities x 1 fac-staff/yr => 20 Network activities/yr N PUI faculty Distributed Model – Business Plan
Distributed Model - Description PARTICIPANTS (annual) 20 x 20 stdnts = 400 (current 15+ hours/semester) 20 x 15 stdnts = 300 (capacity based on in-kind) N as available from above U future faculty PUI instructors