LECTURE XI. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Copyright Law and Media Law JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 1
WIPO JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 2 World intellectual property organization global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation self-funding agency of the United Nations 186 member states Important source of information
Agreements governed by WIPO JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 3 Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of marks Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of marks Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as in force from April 1, 2005) Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as in force from April 1, 2005)
Agreements governed by WIPO JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 4 Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration LISABON-PROVADECI_RAD.PDF Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the registration of Marks Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the registration of Marks Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro- organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro- organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs GENEVA ACT OF THE HAGUE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS GENEVA ACT OF THE HAGUE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks Washington Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits Patent Law Treaty (PLT)
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883) JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 5 applies to industrial property in the widest sense, including patents, marks, industrial designs, utility models (a kind of “small patent” provided for by the laws of some countries) trade names (designations under which an industrial or commercial activity is carried on) geographical indications (indications of source and appellations of origin) and the repression of unfair competition.
Berne Convention JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 6 The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, usually known as the Berne Convention, is an international agreement governing copyright, which was first accepted in Berne, Switzerland, in recognize the copyright of works of authors from other signatory countries (known as members of the Berne Union) in the same way as it recognizes the copyright of its own nationals
TRIPS agreement JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 7 The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 1994 administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) sets down minimum standards for many forms of intellectual property (IP) regulation as applied to nationals of other WTO Members.
WIPO treaty JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 8 The World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty, (WIPO Copyright Treaty or WCT), adopted by the member states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in provides additional protections for copyright deemed necessary due to advances in information technology
ACTA JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 9 The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement a multinational treaty for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create a new governing body outside existing forums, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, or the United Nations.
Rome convention JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. 10 The Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations accepted by members of BIRPI, the predecessor to the modern WIPO, on 26 October 1961 extended copyright protection for the first time from the author of a work to the creators and owners of particular, physical manifestations of intellectual property, such as audiocassettes or DVDs.
Sources JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M
JUDr. Eva Ondřejová, LL.M. Thank you for your attention 12